Into the Triangle (2)

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1st January 2008, Bermuda Triangle

Trixie was bustling with excitement. She might've been left alone without any information about her surroundings, but at least she wasn't isolated to the TARDIS for who-knows-how-long.
Deciding she wanted to get to know some of the aliens around, she jumped at the conversation opportunity in a group of them. One was a beautiful magenta colour, with flowers sprouting out of their head, another had eyes all over his body, which would watch everyone individually as they were speaking. Another took the appearance of a particularly smooth fish-like being. If she was being honest, the group sounded like the beginning to a very bad joke.

Approaching the group, none of them looked at her strangely for protruding in on their conversation; they just continued conversing.

"Oh, yes! They really are aren't they?" The floral one whispered, glancing around.

"Incredibly so." The fishy one agreed.

"They creep me out, and I'm all made of eyes!" The one with hundreds of eyes added.

"Uhm, don't mind me, but what are you talking about?" Trixie asked, curious as to what could lead them to speak in such hushed tones.

"Them." The fish one hissed. Trixie bit back a sarcastic retort.

"Who are 'them'?" She instead asked, patiently.

"Those.. things in the dark robes. Stationed all about." The eyed man whispered. "Right there!" He continued, pointing a finger briefly to an opening down the pathway. She followed his gaze, and was met with one of those yellow aliens once again. She frowned.

"Those things give me the chills." The floral one shuddered, glancing at them briefly. "Why do they just.. observe? It's strange, everyone else is just getting along, laughing, but them? A sack of corble." Trixie presumed 'corble' was some sort of slang they used, and went along with it.

"Doesn't anyone know why they're here?" She queried. They all shook their heads.

"From those I've spoken with, they have no idea where they came from. They just popped up one day and settled." The eye alien informed. "My people have never spoken to a species so.. silent."

"Neither have mine." The fish one agreed.

"As I said, speaking to a bag of corbles!" The floral one said, passionately. Trixie then clocked that they presumed she was alien too, and so quickly, she came up with a species.

"Ah, yes, my species have conversed too. They speak very little. My grand-mother found their presence distracting." Trixie added, in her best confident tone. The others nodded, murmuring. "Uhh, well, I'm going to go.. scope out more of this place. Great to meet you all!"

"Be careful, now. They seek those alone." The floral one warned, catching her as she passed.

"I will, don't worry." Trixie said, nodding at all of them. She continued walking off. Despite the recent concerning information, she was not going to simply let that ruin her adventure; she would make sure to be wary, yes, but still have fun overall.

* * *

Deep below, The Doctor descended down a rather rigid, iron ladder. Hopping off of it, he patrolled down the runway, a soft clanking sound echoing every step he took. Down this deep, there were very little decorations, the staff had obviously presumed not many people would venture this deep. No red carpet was draped down the middle, and no glamorous aliens waltzed across them.

Even with the fact he had descended at least 10 floors at least, he was not any closer to the pit, it remained as desolate and still as ever. Walking away from the railing with a slight spin, he found something that piqued his interest.
Ahead, in the opening where there would usually be a view of the ocean, or at least a translucent material to see it, there was a pure metal wall. Another interesting part of it, was the presence of tangled black wires going down. He examined them, tugging at them slightly. So engrossed in the wires, he barely heard the tapping sound quickly approaching.

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