The Nonsensical Enfilade

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"So.. mind explaining why we've just landed?" Trixie asked, poking her head out one of the many corridors the TARDIS had.

"I'm not sure. We've certainly landed, just not New Minnesota." The Doctor, who had recovered from the incident two days prior, remarked, looking at the screen.

"Well then. Should we see what it is?" Trixie suggested, walking beside him. She ran a hand over some of the buttons which seemed like they had no real use, softly touching one of them.

"I mean.. landing in an unknown place and just randomly strolling out to explore?" He began, but then grinned, looking at Trixie. An unsaid understanding passed between them and they both rushed off to the TARDIS' doors.

Swinging them open, they found themselves in pitch blackness; well, almost so. In front of them, there were different pillars which marked a square, segmenting the floor into tiny cuboid areas. Two of the squares in each direction were lit by a dim, yellow light, but it didn't travel to the abyss surrounding them.

"Well.. this is.. underwhelming." Trixie commented, looking around at the ceilings design, seeing as it was the most interesting thing there. Slowly, they made their way forward, hands in pockets. Lights flickered on as they stepped into each square, and - simultaneously - lights switched off on the squares they had recently passed.

It was eerily silent. No sound passed from the distance, and you could probably hear the slightest pin drop. Trixie could feel some sort of pressure on her ears building up as they continued further.

She had become so focused on this that she had not noticed the Doctor stop moving. He was one square behind her and was looking around at the abyss, suspicious. Just as Trixie was about to say something, he pulled out his sonic and started scanning the surroundings.

"Weird. No life-forms." He murmured.

"Really? An empty planet?" Trixie asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"Yup. Seems so." He said, a slight sigh. Trixie glanced into the darkness, it was almost hypnotic. Next thing she knew, she found herself stepping forward before a hand stopped her; The Doctor. "Trixie? Stay in the light." He said, in a low voice.

"Why?" She asked, looking at him.

"If we're the only ones here, then who's controlling the lights?" The Doctor replied, simply. As if waiting for this to be said, quickly, the lights that were illuminating the areas ahead began to shut off. Leaping back, the two of them dashed in the opposite direction.

"So what's the plan? Head to the TARDIS and ditch this place?" Trixie asked, slightly yelling from the building adrenaline.

"Yep, pretty much!"

"Fine by me!" Trixie said, in a ragged laugh, blood was pumping around her body like a drumbeat.

They continued running for what felt like an eternity, before coming to a stop. "But it's-" Trixie began, looking at the area in front of them.

A few charcoal skid marks were in the square ahead, but no TARDIS. Dread seeped into the room and seemed to settle in the air around them.

"Alright.. so.. no TARDIS, no clue where we are.. right." The Doctor mumbled, running a hand through his hair. "Next step.. knowing your enemy. Right! Well I mean Weeping Angels, ehh.. maybe, but they would've attacked us by now, and we'd be able to see them. Cybermen? Not the sort to hide in the dark, plus you'd be able to hear 'em from a mile off-" He began to ramble, pacing around in the small area.

"Doctor." Trixie said, looking in the direction they had came from. "It's stopped." The illuminated lights remained as still as ever, like nothing had happened, she stepped forward, watching the abyss carefully.

"Right.. no Weeping Angels.. no Cybermen.. so that means.." The Doctor went quiet, wracking his brain for answers. A sudden dark look dawned on his face before he spoke. "I've only heard of them in whispers, Vashta Nerada. What people are worried might be lurking in the dark. Stay in the light. And Trixie, if you go into the dark.. I may not be able to guarantee you'll survive." He looked at her, a serious expression on his face.

"Okay.. stay in the light. Should be simple enough." Trixie nodded, feeling nervous.

The Doctor was about to respond, before the squares light separating the two of them flickered off, blocking eachother from view. "Oh, no!" Trixie groaned, instinctively starting forward, before stopping herself.

She listened for any sound, anything that indicated the Doctor could hear her, but nothing. "Okay.. what would the Doctor say in this situation? Probably to stay here. Buuutt, I would probably go off and not listen to him." Trixie inhaled, before turning on her heel and travelling forward into the enfilade.

* * *

"TRIXIE?" The Doctor yelled at the abyss ahead of him. No response came. "Agh- just- STAY THERE!" He called again, looking around. What could he do? He didn't want to just leave Trixie in a place neither of them knew, but at the same time, what effect would staying here have? Reluctantly, he turned around and headed in the opposite direction.

For what felt like hours he walked onwards, the same repeating pattern, the same void surrounding him, prepared to seal his fate as soon as he stepped closer; it was simply put, torture.

The deafening silence rang in his ears, feeling much less comforting as he had imagined it would be. For a moment, the Doctor believed that a board of knives going into his back would be a better fate than just pure silence, but he quickly shut these thoughts down.

For one of the rare times in his long life, the Doctor felt unsettled. There had to be some sort of threat here, after all, why would lights just activate on their own? But if there was, why was it being so.. quiet? Did it cherish in their misery? In their fear? Was this really how it was going to end for him; silence?

He had been walking in a straight line for a while now, using his sonic to flicker the lights on ahead of him. The sonic was practically as loud as a loudspeaker compared to the derelict area.

Over and over again, he walked further into the maze. Mind racing, he searched for any possible explanation; any hope; any evidence that Trixie was still alive. She had to be. She had to.

If she wasn't, what would he do? What about her family back home, would they know? Would they have even noticed that she had gone? If she did die, he would be responsible. Responsible for her death, just like he was responsible for what happened to Rose.

With a sharp inhale at this thought, he stopped, letting his mind rest for a moment. He couldn't think that. He couldn't think of her, not when there were more, positive thoughts and more important matters on their hands.

Even if he was unsure of Trixie's condition, he just had to hope. Hopelessly catastrophizing possible outcomes would get him nowhere, and he was smart enough to know that. He continued forwards. Silence was everyone's worst enemy; no background noise, no mumbles, nothing, just you and your own thoughts. And that alone, could create an entire personal hell.


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