Find and Try

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It felt just as endless; just as hopeless as their adventure before. Trixie was gone, and The Doctor was alone. Left to run throughout the tunnels, hoping to find anything that could lead him to her. Nothing.

He felt betrayed, guilty, just purely stressed.

Her weird behaviour, her even weirder reactions and decisions, it all built his concern for her. Clearly, something was wrong, right?

Turning a corner, he came face to face with the familiar shadow. Ever-glowing white eyes stared into the distance, and they stayed completely still.

"Listen, I know you probably can't hear me, but if you can, please, help me find Trixie." The Doctor said in a soft whisper, not wanting to scare them off. Unexpectedly, the shadow turned. They slowly raised a void hand, inviting him to take it, and he did.

* * *

A soft bell tingled, as a glass door swung shut. A girl with short, brown hair dashed down tbe street towards a blue box reading 'police'.

"This is just when we first met; me and The Doctor." Trixie explained to the Creature beside her, watching as herself and The Doctor spoke. "Are you just.. flicking through memories?" The creature bowed its head, a flash appearing before displaying the bunker of a ship around them. "What happened?" She asked. "I know.. you said 'mum'.. but.."

The creature looked at her for a few seconds, no emotion being shown behind them. Suddenly, another flash came and they were in a sandstone covered area, massive buildings made of it surrounding them, all sorts of markings and drawings painted on them. Creatures stood all around them, all looking exactly like the one beside her. One very familiar one stood a few feet away, rubbing against a rather tall, sleek and silver creature.

All looked bright and cheery, until a massive 'BOOM' sound erupted from beneath. Looking up at the sky, what looked like dozens of pellets plummeted down onto them. Every skeletal creature around scuttled, shrieks coming from each of them. It was horrible.

Eyes darting around, a cacophony of noise and lights flashing from all directions, Trixie's eyes landed on the familiar Creature once more. It was lying on the floor, head sticking up and swivelling around. A blinding light shone from beside it, and the taller creature was nowhere in sight. The memory ended with another flashing light that obstructed them from seeing anymore.

"You're just like me; alone." Trixie whispered under her breath.  She leaned down to its level. "I promise I'll find out what happened to her." 

Biting her lip slightly, she inhaled deeply. Touching the creatures cold skull, she watched as the area around them warp once again. In front of them was a hospital corridor, looking white and pristine. Off to the side, a waiting room. In direct eye line of them, two people were sat: both had brown hair and eyes, one being taller and awake, the other short and fast asleep.

A few receptionists stopped by and spoke to the taller one for a few minutes, but she gave very short answers; nodding and mumbling indiscernible things.

Trixie looked at the two of them, before taking a deep breath. She was just about to say something, before another flash came and a different memory was shown. She hadn't changed it, and neither had it. What?

* * *

The Doctor and the shadow were zapped into a bright light, where nothing could be seen. Once it cleared up, they were in a room with a small dining table, a blue covering over it, and a kitchen attached to the side. It was dead silent.

Two people were in the room; one sitting at the table who had shoulder-length, brown hair and was facing away from them. The other was walking inside, brown and spiky hair, carrying two letters and looking like he hadn't slept in days.

The Doctor looked at the shadow for some sort of explanation, but it just stared in a specific direction, where there was nothing.

* * *

Trixie looked around at the scene, feeling a weight plummet inside of her stomach. Looking around the room, she spotted another two viewers other than herself and the Creature; The Doctor, with that shadow.

"Doctor!" She exclaimed, attempting to dash forward to him, but found herself stuck in a small area and unable to reach him. The shadow was staring directly at her, making her feel unsettled. Spotting the young boy, whom she recognised as Taylor, she felt a deep dread seeping throughout her.

"Mum left us these." He said, in an empty tone, lifting two envelopes.

"I'm not reading it." A voice came from the table. Trixie turned, her fears growing as she saw herself.

"Come on, Trix. It's bad enough that she's.. yeah.. but can't you at least just read it?" Taylor sighed, attempting to push the letter into her hand.

"No!" Trixie yelled, firmly. Her eyes were glazed over, but she looked firmly at one point on the table and nowhere else.

"Trixie, she would've wanted you to."

"How would you know what mum 'would've' wanted, Taylor? How would you?" She snapped. Trixie couldn't bring herself to look at the Doctor, she didn't even think she could if she tried. She was fixated on the scene playing out.

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"No. I didn't." Trixie responded, her voice sounding strangely echoed to her, watching her past self and Taylor continue to talk.

"Why are you so afraid to read it?" Taylor asked, sitting down opposing her, looking at her with the deepest concern.

"Because reading it— would solidify the fact that she's— gone." They both said this, her past self's voice broke.

"I'm going. I don't want to be here, I don't want to see this again." Trixie snapped, looking up for the first time. For a moment, her eyes landed on the Doctor, who was looking at her with that familiar 'detecting' look.

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"What if I don't want to? Would you want to experience this again?" She yelled at the Creature. "Just- get me out of here. Please." She reached a hand out, touching the Creature's skull, and within an instant had been zapped away.


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