The Nonsensical Enfilade (2)

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An endless stretch of mundane, murky carpets and pillars extended out in front of Trixie, feeling like it had been an eternity since she had last seen The Doctor.

The eternal darkness remained around her, feeling almost suffocating. It was, for the most part, quiet. She heard faint whispers and hisses alike ricocheting throughout the void, each just waiting for some sort of response.

For the first time, Trixie found herself wishing that she hadn't just blindly waltzed into a situation that she had no knowledge of. Now, she could be trapped in here, along with the Doctor, no TARDIS in sight for decades! And it was all her fault. Again.

Every once in a while, another light ahead would switch on, allowing her to proceed forwards. For a few moments, Trixie swore she could've seen a tiny blue light beaming throughout the darkness, all for a total of a few seconds. But these, as she had concluded, were in fact, fake. Practically nothing could penetrate the abyss surrounding her, no light, no sound, it was the perfect cage.

By now, the whispering from the abyss had grown stronger, biting at her eardrums and infecting her mind.

"you're alone here"
"behind you"
"it's all your fault"

Shutting her eyes and covering her ears, she tried her best to focus on anything else except the voices. The Doctor, Amir; how could she have just forgotten about him? Her friends, her life, Taylor!

As if a beacon of light had appeared and lit the way, Trixie felt calm. She was in a room with wooden floors and red painted walls. Tables were placed around it in a formal fashion, occupied by varying numbers of people, all unfocused to her. At the clearest point was a table, pressed against a wall in the corner, and sitting on the sofa was a boy. It was Taylor. A clean, freshly cut grass smell filled the air, adding to the tranquility of the situation. Soft music played on, only just able to be heard.

She was sat beside Taylor, he looked the same as ever; dark brown hair, freckles all across his face, and brown eyes. He stared at her with a radiant smile on his face.

All was good.

* * *

The Doctor had taken several detours, going left, going right, even to the point of doubling back on himself. Nothing. No attacks had been made, no attempts to threaten them, just pure, mental torture.

"Well, this is strange." He muttered, coming to a stop. "Why aren't you attacking? Vashta Nerada don't just.. stay. No attempts to shut off the lights, nothing. Not even whispering." He looked around.

Whatever was in this maze, may have similar properties to the Vashta Nerada, but, evidently, weren't. "But if you're not the Vashta Nerada, then what are you?" He lowered his voice, as if asking it for an answer. When - as expected - none came, he sighed and continued onwards into the area.

Going left, going right, nothing seemed to be getting him closer to Trixie or the TARDIS, as the fresh smell of grass grew ever stronger. Just then, a clatter came from the right, and he whipped around in that direction. He squinted his eyes to see anything, just anything in the void. Following that, all lights in a straight line flickered on, stretching out once again for miles on end. Looking both ways, confused, he spotted a shape down one of them. Wearing a striped, black and white jumper and jeans; it was Trixie.

Running to her, and hugging her once he reached her, he began questioning her; "Where have you been? Are you okay? What happened?" There was no response. "Trixie? Are you okay?" He asked, growing uncertain. Letting her go, he looked at her. She looked.. strangely stoic. No relief or even fright was in her eyes, and she stared as if she could see right through him. "Trixie.."

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