The Tailor and The Doctor

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31st December 2007, 22:31.

Time had seemed to fly by as the clock continued ticking quietly.

Bzzzz... Bzzzz..

Jolting awake, Trixie quickly scrambled around in the mass of scrap fabric covering her desk. Upon locating her phone, the voice of Taylor came.

"Hey, Trix. Just checking up on you, when do you think you'll come back?" He asked.

"Uhh, probably in around.. 15 minutes? I'm not sure." She looked around the deserted tailors. "I'll just try and find Amir, see you in 15." She shut the phone with a snap.

Taking a deep breath, she stood up and trudged her way carefully through the mass of clothing covering the floor. "Amir? Are you still here?" She called, looking around each clothing rack incase he was playing a trick on her.


Trixie's head flipped around at the sudden noise. A door. Rusted around the edges, made out of metal entirely, how typical.

"Amir, if this is a joke; congrats, you got me! Stop mucking about, we need to close up." Trixie called, warily approaching the door. After no response, she gathered her remaining confidence and pushed the door open. A dozen dull, brick stairs descended into the storage room below. A single light flickered dimly above, swinging gently. "Why does everything have to be unnecessarily creepy?" She murmured as she descended the staircase.

A few shelves decorated the sides of the hall, leading into different hallways left and right. Trixie had always wondered why on Earth anyone would decide to make a storage room so big? Fabrics of varying textures and colours, some displaying fancy shapes were stuffed into the spaces of the shelves, along with extra sewing thread and some old sewing machines.
Hearing a slight creak to her left, Trixie whipped around, scanning for any signs of Amir. None.

Another door stood at the end of the hall, ajar. Amir must've gone in there. No light came from the doorway, so she'd have to depend on the slithers of light that would make it to the room. The door groaned as she pushed it open, and a dim, miniature room stood behind it. A faint trickling sound, like water falling, echoed faintly in the background.
She paused as she took one step in, looking around with wide eyes to make out even the slightest shape in the darkness. Nothing.

"Amir? Are you in here?" Trixie whispered, the sound of her voice cut through the near-silence in the room. A faint creaking came from behind her, but she was set on ahead, there had been something. For the slightest moment, something ahead had shifted.
Stepping even closer, she whispered Amir's name again. The light from the previous room had slightly illuminated the room through a thin sliver, which she significantly remembered was larger just a moment before.

"Amir?" Trixie asked, in an extremely low voice.
Whatever was in front of her, certainly had the body of Amir; a red plaid shirt and joggers, and most certainly had his face, but was not Amir. His eyes were shut, and he looked like he hadn't moved in a long while. Trixie stared for a moment, looking at the strange sight.

It was then that she realised Amir's hair, usually sleek and short, had grown in size by two times at least. Automatically, she reached out a hand to touch it. A lock of hair recoiled. What?
As if it couldn't get any more strange, it then writhed and made a strange squelching sound, an amber eye suddenly emerging from it. It hissed sharply, and Trixie yelped, stepping back.

The strange calling had now started from all corners of the room, and Trixie whipped around as she tried to find out what was happening. A squelch to her left disoriented her and the next thing she knew, something had jumped at her face, and was wriggling about.
She squirmed, letting out a scream and clawing at the thing on her face to get it off. They made contact with a thick, slime-like surface. She could feel a sharp set of what she assumed to be teeth clawing at her face, but failing to pierce it. Out of nowhere, a whirring sound came from the left and the thing leaped off of her.

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