Future of Mankind (3)

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The Doctor was now deep in the mechanics connected to the ship, gradually getting closer and closer to the red dot's location. Did all of his companions - permanent or one-time - have to run off?

Groaning, he refreshed the screen as it distorted, showing lines of static across the map.

Further and further he searched onwards, eventually coming across a three corridors, going North, East and West. Looking to the right, he noted that the corridors seemed to be full of doors. Almost like holding cells. An open door caught his eye, and he walked towards it.

Peering around and into the small space revealed by the door, he was met with... nothing. Strange.

Shrugging it off, he looked down at the holographic screen in his hand, identified where the red dot was, and turnt in that direction.

* * *

Taylor awoke. His head felt like it had just been trapped in a fishbowl, then filled with ice cubes, causing his brain to be hazed. Blinking back into focus, he looked around at his surroundings, instinctively trying to move his arms. His heart jolted. He couldn't. His arms, torso and legs were being held in place by a tight bound.

"It's all going right to plan, soon enough, we'll have enough hostages to build an entire civilisation!" A voice was saying, in an almost desperate whisper. Taylor forced his eyes to focus ahead of him. A woman - Isana - had been the speaker. She was knelt next to a bulky shape. It looked almost like a human wearing a transformers suit. "The robots are all prepared for the invasion, and eventual destruction."

"We will be victorious. All of us." The figure said, in a monotonous voice.

"Yes, we shall. With Earth out of our way, we can travel further across the galaxy, the universe!" Isana said, adoringly. Taylor heard some soft groaning next to him. Turning his head, he had to stop himself from audibly yelling.

A line of people, all strapped to boards the same way he was. Two metal poles stuck out and pointed at their temples, almost being like a cage for their head. They all had black chips on the side of their head, with a small rectangular section which glowed green.

"Oh, my dearest apologies, my Lord. It appears one of the subjects is awake. Just a fluke, I assure." Isana started, Taylor looked back at them. They were now staring at him. The figure's face was now visible. Half of it, was a pale, ghostly-like face with piercing black eyes, and a gaunt expression. The other half was mostly taken up by wires and metal sticking into it. He had a small box-like thing on his back, where wires stuck out, connecting to his shoulders, legs and head. A Cyborg.

"An expected error from amateurs, but a common occurrence for you, Isana." The figure said, bluntly. Isana nodded, rushing into apologies again, but it cut her off. "Activate his memory-drive removal." Isana nodded, walking over to him and flicking some switches beside him. Taylor, now realising how much danger he was in, squirmed about.

"No! Let- me- GO!" He yelled, but it was hopeless. The two poles extended outwards from behind him, going next to his temples. Next came a brain-splitting pain, like a pair of scissors being stabbed into his head.

* * *

The Doctor had just passed alongside a darkened hallway, when a loud, pained yelling started. He doubled-back, running down the hallway and into the darkness. Pulling out his sonic, he pointed it up at the ceiling in case a light was there, and it was. It flickered on, revealing a large, metallic door in-front. The yelling was louder now, more clearer. He attempted to open it, but it was sealed. He pointed the sonic at it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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