At Home, Once Again.

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January 6th, 2008, Trixie's house


Trixie's alarm had been going off for around 5 minutes now, and she had forced her pillow over her head to muffle the ringing sound. Groaning, she threw it aside and slammed a hand down on the alarm. She didn't want to do anything; didn't want to feel anything.

Her mum had wanted her to follow her own dreams, not what she thought someone else would want. She had wasted 7 years following tailoring as a future career, neglecting the fact she never cared for it before, just because her mum had liked it. A series of knocking came from her door.

"Hey, Trix, you doing alright? You've been.. rotting in your room for like.. the past few days." Taylor asked, a soft laugh at the end.

"I'm fff...." Trixie began, about to say the classic 'I'm fine', before stopping herself. "I'm gonna be honest, I'm not doing great." She sighed, sitting up and putting her head in her hands. "I read mums letter, and I don't know what to do with my life."

"Piss off, you didn't." Taylor snorted, raising his eyebrows. "Oh my God, you did. Okay, well, what did she say?" She explained the contents of the letter, not once stopping. "Right.. so, you don't know what to do because you're doing something that you aren't.. passionate about?"

"Pretty much."

"Okay, well, I'm gonna be entirely honest with you, I have no clue what advice I can give you. I mean, I work in Tesco, and I'm still in college." He chuckled. "But one thing I definitely know will help, get out of the house."

"What? Where would I even go?"

"To James' party. Sorry, James is my friend. He's having a party at a pub around 7pm, tag along. Tiff will be there."

"Fine. But that's all."

* * *

And so, Trixie sat on a sofa, in the corner of a pub with glowing lights, music booming from the multitude of speakers set up. Many people were there, chatting, laughing, dancing, as a matter of fact many of them were rather intoxicated.

A glass of water was placed on the table, motionless and untouched. Almost all of the ice in it had melted, leaving only pebbles of ice to simmer at the bottom. Trixie had put on a rather unpleasant purple dress, with a black jacket over the top of it.

The clacking of heels broke Trixie's daydream. Looking up, she saw the familiar face of her friend, Tiffany. She had curled, ginger hair with pale skin and brown eyes. She was currently wearing a - rather tight - fancy, red dress. Sitting down beside her, Trixie immediately got the whiff of Guinness fill the air around her.

"Heyyyy Trixie!" Tiffany said, dragging out her words.

"Hi, Tiff." She said, awkwardly smiling.

"Just-just wannedtosay— ssssssss...omething. I want to say something." She continued, struggling with her words. Trixie waited for her to continue, patiently. After a while of Tiffany staring at her, a dazed look on her face, she spoke, "You're.... reallly prettty, yaknow?"

"Uhh— thanks? You look pretty too." Trixie said, a slight blush rising to her cheeks.

"realllly.. pretty." She repeated, in a whisper. "So!" Tiff continued, loudly, "sssomeone over there wanted to speak to you.. orsomethin... heh." She said, a small hiccup at the end.

"Right, well, thanks Tiff. Do you.. want my drink?" She offered, pointing at the water.

"Mmm... alright!" Tiff decided, standing up and stumbling over to the central party, water glass in hand.

Someone wanted to speak to her, who? Was it James? Or another one of Taylor's (rather creepy) friends?

Just as she was pondering this, a voice called out from behind her sofa.

"Hello!" She jumped, whipping her head around. It was the Doctor. Clambering over the back of the sofa and sitting down next to her, he spoke again. "How have you been?"

"Uhh.. pretty good? What have you been up to?"

"Oh, me? Y'know just been.. doing stuff." He shrugged. "Tinkering the TARDIS a bit, going on some mini-adventures - don't worry, you didn't miss much - and stuff like that."

"Right. Sounds cool. Something tells me you didn't just pop up at this party for the fun of it, did you?"

"Alright. Well, I've been scanning for any sort of interesting activity on different planets, looking for somewhere we could go, and I think I've found the perfect one!" The Doctor revealed.


"Yeah! Fancy going?"

"Uhh.. sure, let's go! Where's the TARDIS?"

"Just out back." They both leapt up from their seats, weaving their way through the pub and going towards a door in the back. There she stood in all her glory; the TARDIS. They stepped inside, the Doctor messing with some settings.


Trixie clung onto the railing before they took off, having learnt her lesson from previous times. The Doctor was out of view of Trixie, on the other side of the console.

"WHAT THE HELL?" A voice exclaimed. Trixie turned around; it was Taylor. He stood there, perplexed, staring at the TARDIS with his mouth open. "TRIXIE?"


Both of them were prevented from saying anything further as the TARDIS began to rumble and shake as they took off, the Doctor looked slightly confused at the sudden exclamation. The TARDIS was taking off, whilst Taylor was on board.

Oh no.


So! this mini chapter is over with!

Btw Tiff isn't cast as anyone, so you can all make up your own versions of what she looks like!
also this chapter was meant to be uploaded yesterday but didn't publish?? sorry for the day delay !

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