Find and Try (2)

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The Doctor watched as the scene played out, confusion growing by the second.

The shadow had remained silent from up to this moment, before finally speaking.

"I'm going. I don't want to be here, I don't want to see this again." He looked at them, face contorting into an even more confused expression. They lifted a hand once again, pointing towards the direction they were fixated on. He turned. Static had appeared and was slowly gaining shape, in the form of Trixie. She looked rather frantic and was walking, mouthing something he couldn't hear.

"Trixie- wait!" He yelled, full of relief that she was alive and nearby, before she reached a hand out to something, and vanished into thin air. Copying her actions, he reached out to the shadows arm. With a slight flash, they were zapped back into the dirt tunnels.

Taking off instantly, he pulled out his sonic screwdriver, scanning each corridor he went down for life forms.

* * *

Trixie and the Creature landed back in the tunnels. Wiping wetted eyes, she wracked her brains for any ideas of where the Creatures mother could've gone.

Anything; anything to take her mind off of that.

"Well, your city, home or something, was under attack, right?" She looked at the Creature, who bowed its head. "Okay, well, the Doctor would probably... uhm..." She thought. "I mean the memory was bleak, but did anything significant happen?" She asked, rhetorically. "Come on! Think, brain, think!"

She thought through the events;
- Normal, happy village full of 'people'
- Attack happened, pellets falling from the air
- Loud explosions and chaos happening
- Then, she had looked back at the Creature
- A flashing light had came
- The taller creature was gone
- an even bigger flashing light had happened
- the memory had ended.

Trixie paced a short distance, pulling her hair slightly at how stressed she was; it felt so.. obvious, yet so complicated!

Then, it hit like a bag of rocks.

The flashing lights; especially during an attack weren't likely to be bomb, much less coming from the victims. They had to have been some sort of teleportation beams, making sense why the Creature had no idea where they were, and how they had managed to appear in a random market!

"Hold on! Can I have a look behind your..what is it, hair?" Trixie asked, gesturing to the black fur protruding from its skull. The Creature just looked at her blankly, before nodding. Hurriedly, she lifted the fur. "A-ha! Result!" Underneath the hair, chained around one of the (rather yellowed) bones was a small square, which had a bulb glowing red attached to it.

Taking it off, she looked closely at it. Certainly, it looked like any human tracker, just more.. developed than the ones today. Trixie was just going to explore trying to change the bulb's colour, before a voice came from the distance, yelling her name. Jolting, she looked up. It was the Doctor.

"Trixie!" He exclaimed, out of breath from running. "Trixie, step away from it." He said, calmly, regaining control of his breathing.

"Doctor- please- I know what I have to do—"

"No." He stated, simply. "Trixie, I think you need to go back to the TARDIS. They should be able to teleport you back up," He gestured to the ceiling. "but you need to go back. I'll deal with it." She was going to object, but he was quicker. "No 'but's."

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