Hide and Speak

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A few days later...

"Ooh! Look! 5-Dimensional glasses that make you see exact measurements, radius', circumference, ooh, and a dinner recommendation." The Doctor rambled, putting on a pair of oddly shaped, purple glasses which had swirls on the top. "Trixie?" He looked around, taking the glasses off. "Trix?" He tapped the girl on the shoulder, she was resting her chin on her hand and staring at the floor.

"Oh, right. Yeah. I agree." She said, looking at him and nodding.

"You feeling alright?" He asked, tilting his head downwards slightly to get a better look at her face.

"Yeah, I'm fine! Uhh, well, there's loads of different stands here, why don't we go check out that strange drinks one?" Trixie replied, quickly, turning her head in the direction of said stand.

"Alright." He mumbled, not entirely convinced but deciding to not push it. "Right! To the drinks stand."

The two of them were currently on a planet, which practically harboured markets and next to nothing else. Bustling with all sorts of people and stands, the streets were as lively as ever.

"Which ones that?" A customer asked, pointing a bony finger at a small glass cup with a sickly green tone to it.

"Ah, now that, my dear lady, is Deansburrow, it helps your mind rest, allowing you to unlock your full potential." The seller said, in a mystical tone. Trixie and The Doctor shared a suspicious look as the lady purchased it. "Any for you, my dears?"

"Oh, no! We- we're just browsing, thank you." The Doctor said, hurriedly. The seller pursued.

"Are you entirely sure, sir? Your aura.. it's quite... compelling."

"I'm sure, now— if we could just go now—"

Trixie had stepped back, grimacing. Who would've known pushy salespeople existed outside of Earth?


A sudden, strong breeze passed behind her, nearly blowing her over.

ˡᵒˢᵗ.. rųŋ.

Trixie's head whipped around. Out of the corner of her eye, she only just caught the sight of a blob of black smoke darting around a corner.

"What?" She whispered under her breath, looking around and taking a few steps back.

The Doctor, who was still partially fighting off the salesperson, turned to look at her.

"You sure you're alright?" He murmured, looking at her with a hint of concern in his eyes.

"Yeah, I just-" Trixie began to say, before looking at the Doctor and shaking her head slightly. "It's nothing."

"Alright." He said, before strolling down the street. "Fascinating, this planet, really, you know it was first discovered in 15AD-"

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With a powerful gust, the smoke flew by once again, bouncing off the brick walls and crashing into stands. Exclamations of shock came from those who had been hit. It darted down the street, and scuttled around the corner in a frantic manner.

"Well. That's certainly.. unusual." The Doctor remarked, looking at the area where the thing had been with furrowed brows.

"That's what I saw!" Trixie finally said. "When that salesperson was talking to you!"

"You said it was nothing!"

"Yeah, just-" She sighed, not being able to find an excuse. They both followed where the thing had gone, rounding the corner. Most other stands and markets had been wrecked, materials of all sorts splattered across the ground.

Eventually, following the havoc, they came to a stop down a derelict alleyway. Only scraps of wood and sand were on the floor and ahead of them, the blob of smoke floated, moving a short distance in the same pattern, still frantic.


"Hey, hey, don't be scared; we aren't going to hurt you." Trixie said, approaching the thing with an extended hand. "What are you?"

Suddenly, the thing realised they were there, sprung up, and started spinning rapidly, looking like a thunderstorm forming. Before Trixie could say anything, the floor beneath them seemed to vanish, and all sense of direction faded as they plummeted down.

After what felt like an eternity, they landed roughly on a floor. A stretch of soil-covered corridors, with weeds and grass sprouting out of it surrounded them. The air felt thick, dust caking it, making Trixie cough as she inhaled. A high-pitched shriek came from her left.

For a split second, the smokey creature was there, before it began to spin. Spinning faster and faster like a whirlpool, it stopped. In its place stood a tall, skinny creature, which had a sleek grey skull with shining blue eyes, thick, black hair stuck out from the back of its skull. It looked at Trixie, before it sprinted off in the opposite direction.

The Doctor had sat up, just catching a glimpse of the creature. Before he could say anything, Trixie was on her feet.

"Wait!" She yelled, sprinting after the thing to keep up with it.

"Trixie!" The Doctor's voice yelled from behind, she could hear him hurrying to get up as well.

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The soft, yet haunting voice of the creature reverberated inside of Trixie's head, as she stormed down gradually dirtier pathways; only able to catch the slightest glimpse of the creatures body as it darted down another path.

"It's fine! Hold on; just— wait!" Trixie called to it, making her voice louder. Her focus on finding and catching up to this creature had drowned out the Doctors calls of her name.

She turned the corner where the creature had disappeared behind, finding nothing but a dead end. "What?" She whispered under her breath, looking around for the thing.

"Trixie!" She heard The Doctor's voice yelling from a pathway nearby. He caught up to her, placing a hand gently on her arm. "Trixie, don't run after things that we haven't encountered before! We don't know if this thing is dangerous or not!"

"Oh, you can't talk!" She snapped. "Sorry, just- it's not dangerous; it's scared! Listen!" She exclaimed, desperately.

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"Ohh.." The Doctor mumbled softly, walking a distance and looking up (not being able to see where the creature is). "You poor thing."

"Okay, uhm, listen!" Trixie called, doing the same. "I'm Trixie and this is The Doctor, we're here to help!"


"That must be why we got sent here, it was terrified, saw us, and must've accidentally teleported itself to this place, carrying us along." The Doctor murmured. "We'll only be able to help send it back to its home unless we catch up to it, or if it comes to us.. so-" The Doctor continued speaking, Trixie was fixated on hearing if the creature was speaking or not.

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"I mean by the looks of it there's a high possibility it could be related to the Rascillian species of Rosense—"


Trixie felt her heart sink. This creature wasn't just lost; it was looking for its mum.


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