Future of Mankind (2)

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Walking down the steel, rather cold corridor, Taylor had just ducked behind the nth ginormous pipe after hearing another loud 'CLANG'. He listened closely for a few moments. Hearing nothing, he stepped out into the centre of the hallway. Occasionally, steam hissed out from up above.

He had followed the lady who had introduced them to the ship, and, since this was his first time on an ACTUAL spaceship, he might as well do some snooping.

Very little light were in these corridors, the only ones being every 10ft and dim. Pipes, wires and other electrical equipment ran along up the walls, looking like long octopus legs slithering down.

He stopped as something stationed in the wall caught his eye; a rectangular shape was cut out of the wall, like you could grab something out of it. Reaching out to it, Taylor jumped back as a blue light jumped towards him. It settled in a rectangular, 2D shape in mid air and had the words 'STRIP OF LIFE' on it. Beside this was a selection of options, so he moved his finger over the 'Introductory' option.

"This is the Strip of Life aircraft, welcome, and greetings into your new world. Here at S.O.L, we prioritise guest safety to a max, and be sure to take any complaints formally. After all, the customer will be correct!" A voice came from the screen, sounding slightly muffled. Images came across the screen as they spoke, many being outside of the aircraft, and certain rooms inside.

Taylor frowned, looking at the frozen screen. This was weird. Absolutely cool, but weird.

Attempting to click off of the Introductory video, he moved his finger to the corner of the screen where a small 'x' lay. It remained on the video. Groaning slightly, he walked forward and went through the screen.

He felt a slightly tingly feeling across his abdomen as he passed through the screen. This was practically his sci-fi fantasy DREAM. Holograms, a secret passageway, just a spaceship in general!

His excitement was quickly cut short by a blaring alarm sounding, coming from the hologram directly. Jolting into action, he darted down the long hallway, hearing his echoing footsteps hitting the floor as he did.

As he approached a 3-way choice, he heard a door slam open from behind. Hissing from a pipe, which had been broken by the door filled his ears. Quickly thinking, he darted down the right corridor, an arrangement of doors on either side of it. Should he hide in the first door? No, they'd check that first.


Barely paying attention to how many doors he passed, he swung a random door open. A tiny space was inside, just enough to hold one person. Hearing the growing footsteps of metal on metal, he threw himself inside and shut the door.

* * *

The Doctor had found a rather small room which was decked with machines, all having screens on them. A few people were stationed at the machines, a holographic screen popping up in front of them.

He walked over to a machine in the far-left corner, making sure nobody would be able to see him. Leaning against the machine, he swiftly pulled out his sonic and pointed it at the machine. The screen appeared.

"What happened to this ship?" He asked, making his voice as quiet as possible. A video started.

"Welcome to the Slice of Life aircraft-"

"What does this ship have against Earth? What happened?" He asked.

"Welcome to the Slice of Life aircraft-"

"Why is Earth being destroyed?"

"Welcome to the-"

Sighing, he pocketed the sonic and spoke.

"I need to locate someone." He said, clearly. Text appeared upon the screen; 'State the person's name, appearance, and any other information to help.' "Taylor Hallows. Sort of- brown hair, brown eyes, wearing a star-wars shirt?" The machine took a moment, before a pleasant 'ding' sounded. The screen changed, displaying a red dot in a derelict area. "Okay, and where's that.." He rubbed his chin.

A whirring came, and out of the side of the machine came a small device. He picked it up, and the same screen appeared over it. "Huh. Helpful." He set off, following the direction of the red dot.

* * *

"And then she just appeared out of nowhere, wearing the same kilt I had been, yelling at me and sparing not a single moment!" A girl, her hair slicked back in a high ponytail and jewellery decked on her scalp, exclaimed. The man accompanying them - who had what looked like a lions mane around its head - burst out into laughter. Trixie quickly staged a laughing fit.

Pretending to mellow out, she inhaled.

"So, what's the occasion of this celebration?" Trixie asked, sipping some champagne. It tasted like laundry detergent. "Like, why are we at conflict with this.. Earth?"

"Have you lost your cobblers?" The man with the lions mane asked, a look of disbelief on his face. She staged another laugh.

"Oh.. no..no, my carers kept me quite sheltered from that stuff." Trixie smiled.

"It's obvious!"

"Everyone's heard of it!"

"Then what?" She asked, a faux-exasperation to her voice. The two looked at each other, an unsure expression on their faces.

"Oh, you know.. they sent threats to us." The man with the lions mane said. "Interfering waves..."

"Which one is it, then?" Trixie asked. He stumbled for an answer, tripping over his own words.

* * *

The sound of receding footsteps was like music to Taylor's ears. Sighing a deep breath of relief, he leaned back, coming into contact with a solid shape that prodded his back.

Turning with a slight jump, he came face-to-face with what he could only describe as a robot. It had a spherical face, with two triangular holes on the front of its head. Backing out of the small room, he kept his eyes fixated on the door; it didn't move. Although he was relieved it wasn't activated, he remained cautious. It could at any point.

Taking one last look at it, he began to make his way back down the corridor again. He noticed, now that he wasn't running from any dangers, that placed on the side of each door was a miniature circuit board. He ran his finger along all of them as he passed them, fascinated.

So much technology, so many things, these robots - however many there were - were extremely highly developed. Coming across an especially intriguing circuit, he stopped, and scanned its surface. Slipping his nail between the crevices of the board and the wall, he plucked it out of its hold. So much detail, so much programming, if he could study this to see what the coding was-

A sharp pain in his neck overcame his thoughts, feelings and everything else. Taylor tried to mumble out words, but found himself unable to. Instead, with a slight groan he looked around, only being able to see the ceiling above him getting further, and further... and further.


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