Chapter 1: Izuku Gojo Origin

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When he was born, there was much concern regarding the boy known as Izuku Yagi. Despite being born to the new parents Toshinori and Inko Yagi, he was far different in appearance from the two, and significantly different from his twin sister, Izumi Yagi.

He bore hair white as snow, and eyes that bore a vibrant blue colour, almost as if the skies of the earth and the tranquility of heaven had crossed and made something entirely different.

Regardless, Inko had loved the child and cared for him to the best of her abilities. As for Toshinori, despite having a doctor confirm that this was indeed his child, and not the result of an affair, he always felt creeped out by the boy. His vibrant blue eyes... it felt like that they could stare into the deepest parts of his soul.

Because of this, their relationship as father and son had slowly been strained, choosing to give most of his attention to his green curly haired older sister. This would only continue to happen with the event that would, somewhat change the boy's life forever.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but your son is quirkless." The doctor said to his mother.

"Oh dear, you really think there is something wrong? Most of the kindergartners in his class have began to show signs already." His mother asked in worry.

"My records say you're a fourth generation quirk user. What powers do you and the boy's father have?"

"Well I have high level telekinesis and my husband has a basic strength quirk. They're useful enough I suppose." The mother said, trying to be humble.

"Young Izuku here should've shown signs of one of these quirks or have a combination of both, but after viewing his x-rays I don't think he is going too. You see, when superpowers first began appearing there were many research studies conducted and doctors discovered a link between the bones of a person's foot and their likelihood of developing a quirk." He said bringing up an x-ray.

The x-ray itself showed what looked like the pinky toe having two distinct joints, causing the mother slight worry. 

"People with powers only have one joint in their pinky toes, their bodies have developed into a more streamlined version of the human form. On his x-rays, it shows he has two joints in his pinky toes like roughly twenty percent of the other population. Based on the research that is available, It's safe to say your son isn't going to develop a quirk."

"I see."

While the two continued to discuss some of the other facts of the visit, such as the news of Izumi's powerful strength enhancement quirk, likely the result of a mutation from Toshinori's "quirk", Izuku stood up from his seat and went walking through the halls, the bright fluorescent light reflecting off his snow white hair.

But while doing so, he began to notice strange things around him. Creatures of sorts of all shapes and sizes that hid behind the doors to patients rooms, each spouting out only a few lines of dialogue, such as "I don't want to die" or "Would you like a refund".

Izuku didn't have a clue as to what these things were or, why it was they were there. But he knew one thing was certain. Whatever these things were... they were afraid of him. Why that was, even he wasn't sure.

"Izuku... honey? Is something the matter?"

"Those things, they are afraid of me." Izuku said to her.

"What things?"

"The monsters... inside those rooms." He said pointing to all the rooms in the hall.

Inko looked at her son with worry, trying to see what he was seeing. But could find nothing. After returning home with her two children, Inko leaned over the counter in worry. She knew her son was different, but something like this only created more concern for her. Was she feeding him something that caused him to hallucinate? No, otherwise Izumi would be doing the same thing. So what could be the cause?

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