Chapter 12: Intern Boredom

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While the UA sports festival was going through it's second year sports events, something else had been going amiss. Turning our attention to an unnamed elementary school, we see a group of boys, roughly six years of age, standing over another six year old boy, wearing a red cap with two golden horns sticking out.

The colour of his eyes were a shade of red, as opposed to the normal white colour, signifying that he had been crying as a result of something going on. One of the boys, a short boy with messy blond hair and sharp pointed teeth began to press his foot on the little boys torso, creating a small foot mark on the stomach area of his shirt.

"You know Kota, you really shouldn't be acting all high and mighty in class just because you don't like heroes." The boy spoke. "You may have a decent water quirk, but don't think that it's better than my binging ball quirk!"

"Yeah, what Tama said!" A small boy with a protruding bird-like face said to him.

"J-Just leave me alone, will you? It's not like I'm trying to act high and mighty. I just don't like heroes... or quirks for that matter." Kota said monotonically.

"Oh? Is that right? What, you expect me to believe that crap? Don't make me laugh!" Tamashiro yelled out.

The three began to stomp on his body, causing Kota to begin developing bruises all over himself, while also crying out in pain.

"Just because your two dead parents were heroes, doesn't mean you can say you're better than us!" A boy named Sho said to him. "I mean, how pathetic were your parents anyway if they were easily killed by some dumb villain?!"

The torment continued to persist, as the saliva Kota spat out quickly turned into blood. But these wounds would largely be left untreated, at least, by the school staff. But during his moments of pain and suffering, a thought had slowly began to enter his mind. "If there was a button that would kill everyone who didn't like him. He wouldn't hesitate to press that button.".

These three boys would do the same routine every day or so after that, coming up with various excuses in doing so, whether it was because he talked with one of their crushes casually, or because they got bored and decided to take their boredom out on him.

It was on one particular day where like the usual, Kota was beaten up by the three boys, almost like a routine he found himself in, that something terrifying had happened. The three boys after beating him up had made their way over to a nearby area of the school, one fully devoid of people during lunch time. 

Kota on the other hand, was hiding behind a nearby tree while drawing on the ground with a sharp stick that he had found on the playground. He watched the three boys, hoping to keep his sights on them to try and get any useful information from them.

"Hey, Tama. You wanna hang out at my place later today?" Sho asked him.

"Maybe." The boy answered "Your mum does make some delicious doughnuts. Can Takuto come?"

"Well that depends if his mum allows it. The last time we tried to bring him, his mother chewed us out, saying we're a "bad influence.""

"Did one of you say doughnuts?" A female voice said in the background. "Man, I love doughnuts."

Eri, who was skipping across the ground, leaped into the air, and tried to grab the attention of the three boys, by doing what looked like an idol pose. But like the many others that she tried to interact with, the three boys were unaware of her presence, something she had gotten used to at this point.

"You know, I'm a big fan of anything related to sweets. I think having something so delicious is the best feeling in the world. But... amongst the pile, there are some sweets that are too sour to enjoy, sweets that are a bad taste in my mouth. You three remind me of those types of sweets. It disgusts me."

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