Chapter 15: Confronting The Darkness

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Prior to confronting Kota, we see Izuku at the morgue, staring at the now deceased Mandalay. To say he was conflicted about the event was a bit of an understatement. Despite not having known Kota or Mandalay for long, he could tell that these two were just two people. People trying to live a somewhat normal life despite the tragic events that affected them two years prior.

In a way, he was starting to consider Kota as a little brother. Someone who he could help guide as he grew up. Who knows, he could've ended up as someone who could come to his wedding someday. But now... now things were becoming worse for him, and Izuku didn't know where to look to find him.

"Izuku." Nighteye called out. "Is something the matter?"

"It's fine." He responded. "I was just... starting to feel out of it. I'm good now."

"No you're not. You're clearly being affected by this. Which is why... I feel like you shouldn't get involved with this anymore."

"Why not? Are you saying I'd only get in the way? I may have only spoken to that kid a couple of times, but I don't want to see him get hurt or worse. If something were to happen to him, I would feel responsible for not even trying to save him."

 "You can't. You may be the son of All Might, but even you know that heroes can't save everyone." He began to say. "Yagi, you may have a powerful quirk, but you're still human, you're still a child. One day there will come a time where you will be forced to witness the worst parts of humanity, but it doesn't have to be now."


"For now, you and Tokoyami just continue honing your abilities. Hawks and I will deal with the situation ourselves. It was wrong of us to have you two involved in the first place. Once we find Kota, we'll get back to your internships."

But Izuku wasn't content with just sitting on the sidelines. After exiting the morgue, he began to think back on the events that led up to this moment. Meeting with Kota, speaking to Mandalay about his parents, hoping to try and find some clue as to where Kota could be. But just like how fate led Kota on his dark path, fate would also wrap Izuku in his way.

"Calling all officers, calling all officers." The police radios blared out from the cops outside. "Tartarus has just been hit! I repeat, Tartarus has been hit!! Those Nomu's and some kid are attacking the prison!! All first responders please make your way to Tartarus!!"

Izuku began to see the police officers begin to make their way to the police cars, with him quickly rushing to the break room, where he see's Fumikage drinking a glass of water.


"Izuku? You're sweating, what happened?"

"No time! You need to call out Nue and fly me to Tartarus!!"

"Tartarus?! Are you actually insane? Did winning the sports festival boost your ego or something?!"

"Kota is at Tartarus!!"

Fumikage hesitated slightly before answering again.


"Kota, he's at Tartarus, and I think he's about to do something stupid. Now I need you to summon Nue and fly me to Tartarus."

"Izuku, even if I want to, you'll still get in trouble for interfering. We're still intern students in the end."

"That doesn't matter right now, Fumikage! I'll take the blame for whatever happens, but right now, all I know is that if Kota is the one that police radio described just now, he could be doing something that will ruin his life. Please... I need your help."

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