Chapter 17: Roadmap to Redemption -II-

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We continue our story from the moment the wind casually breezed past them, as Izuku grew silent from hearing this.

"Huh?" He muttered.

"I'm... sorry, for everything."

Izuku's eyes widen in confusion, as he processed those four words.

"Huh?" He muttered.

"What do you mean huh?! I'm trying to apologise to you, and you're acting lie a complete idiot!!"

"There she is, there's the sister I've known most of my life. To be honest, I was worried that someone replaced you. But what are you apologising for?" I'm honestly quite confused."

Izumi took a moment to answer her brothers question, in the past, it would've disgusted her to even think of apologising to him. But now... she was acting different. More... docile.

"Its about how I treated you at the sports festival."


"Look, it was rude of me to speak to you like that, especially since it was our schools that suggested the joint event. So-"

"Hold on. Where is this coming from? Back at the sports festival, you were yelling out that I was "a scrawny, quirkless, weakling", and now all of a sudden you want to apologise? Why?"

Izumi turned away for a brief second, before answering his question.

"After I woke up from your attack, I was pissed off that I lost to you. I was pissed off, that someone like you who hadn't even shown an ounce of potential since we were four, suddenly had power beyond anything I could imagine."

"Okay, sounds about right."

"But during my internship after I woke up, things became... complicated. I-I fought Stain."

"Stain? Ohh... the Hero Killer that everyone's been talking about."

"Yeah. He was apparently in Hosu attacking unsuspecting heroes. Iida's brother was one of them."

"Iida? Whose that again?"

"My classmate with the glasses. The one with the engine quirk."

"Ahh, that guy."

"Anyway, Iida decided to try and find the guy, and... tried to give him his own brand of justice. One thing led to another, and I found myself fighting him too."

"Sounds rough. Though, I'm sure you were able to take him down easily. I mean, it's not easy for me to say, but you certainly can put up a good fight."

"Well... I may have one the battle, but I lost the war."


"He got into my head. Made me realise that all my life, I was the furthest thing from a hero than anyone. Well... except for Kacchan of course."

"Wow, that's a first. Never would've ever believed I would hear those words come out of your mouth. So, what happened afterwards?" He said while gazing up at the sky.

"After we defeated him. Iida and I were left to deal with the consequences of our actions."

"I see. So that's your motive. You think apologising to me would somewhat maker you feel better. That right?"

Izumi did not respond to this claim, but her body language gave Izuku the answer.

"Okay, I'll stop being an ass. If we're going to suddenly apologise for past actions, I might as well do the same. I'm sorry I basically humiliated your school with my overwhelming strength and power." He said with a smug grin. "And I'm sorry I froze your mind with my ability for a week."

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