Chapter 25: Demise -I-

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Izuku woke up, after what felt like a grueling three hours, when in actuality, it had only been thirty minutes. His head was pounding violently, as he tried to get himself out of where he had been as sleep. He wobbled his way through the train station and out into the surface, where he saw what to him, looked like hell on earth.

Diced up bodies splattered everywhere, while many great fires burnt brightly in many small areas. Izuku didn't know what caused this destruction, nor was he able to properly use the right emotions for all of this death in front of him.

He continued to make his way through the ruined city for approximately fifteen minutes, looking for any sign of anyone in the area. But all he heard was the sounds of heavy breathing coming from the corner next to him.

Following the source of the noise, Izuku turned to see his father, standing over what appeared to be weak Nomu that he had defeated. The young man was glad that his father was alive, despite his current condition. If he could get his father to a doctor, someone, anyone, he could get the help he needs. He could get better, he could-

"My, my, look at you." A childs voice called out.

Izuku's eyes widened in horror at the voice he heard. Eri, the cursed spirit that gotten away with the Tartarus raid, was suddenly standing behind her father, with her small little hand placed on his leg. He knew he couldn't save his father on time, but he... he wanted to at least try. How would his mother react if she heard the news that her husband was gone? He didn't want to see her cry, not again.

"L-Little girl?" Toshinori said with a weak voice. "No... you're something else... aren't you?"

"Wow? You know, for someone father said would be a dumb-ass, you sure caught on quickly. Now then... shall we have a chat?"

"N...No." He answered.

"Alright then, have it your way."

Izuku tried to move his body, but he couldn't. His body was still recovering from that attack All For One used to knock him out, and he was frustrated.

"Come on, move!" He said cursing his body. "I have to save him, please!"

"As you already know, my father can't have you around to ensure his plans continue without issue. So I'll be nice and end things quickly for you. It goes against everything I live by, but considering how weak you've become, fighting you won't be satisfying."

Toshinori stared deeply into the ground, he wasn't trying to find the best way out of this situation. But he was busy reciting his regrets.

"Nana... I'm sorry. I've failed you, as your student." Toshinori thought to himself. "I'm not the golden beacon of hope you believed I was. I tried so much to live up to that expectation. But even after everything, I'm still just a man. A man riddled with flaws. A man who couldn't proved his son the love they needed. I'm sorry."

He slowly lifted his head, his pupils dilating at what he was seeing. Standing in front of him, was what appeared to be a visage of Nana Shimura, no vengeful expression on her face. Only the tender smile that any teacher would have for their student. The visage pointed behind Toshinori, where he saw his son, standing helplessly. Eri, upon seeing this, did the same, and changed her expression to a gleeful grin.

"Ahh, Yagi. Guess things are ramping up."

"I can't. I won't put this much responsibility on my son, Nana." He said to the visage. "Doing so will only be a curse for him."

He tried to protest his teachers suggestion, he wanted to make sure his son was safe, that he wasn't going to be in harms way. But then he remembered the previous events regarding the boy. The sports festival, the provisional license exam. He was able to display power that even Toshinori could not comprehend. With a few more years, hell, even a few months, Izuku could completely overshadow him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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