Chapter 7: Two Schools Clash -Cavalry Crusade-

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As the name "Izuku Yagi" echoed through the speakers, many of the students who were still at "The Fall" and Todoroki, who had just arrived at the minefield reacted in skepticism. Throughout the short time they knew her in class, she never mentioned anything personal about her family. They knew she had a mother and a father, but she never mentioned anything about having any siblings. 

So most of them were rather curious as this, while Izumi was hanging off one of the ropes attached to two stone pillars, her mind still confused by the predicament.

"Hold on, what did Present Mic just say?" A pink skinned and haired girl asks her classmates.

"I think he said Izuku Yagi." A red head boy answers.

"Isn't that Izumi's last name?" A blond boy with a lightning bolt comments.

"Who cares. I just wanna see what this guy looks like." The same pink girl shouts out.

"Mina wait!!"

As time passed, more and more students began to make their way past "The Fall" and over to the minefield. Despite the previous claim that the mines weren't working, it was eventually discovered they were in fact working, with many students exploding up to the sky as a result. Eventually, more and more students arrived at the finish line, with the top forty two students advancing to the next round. 

However, that was not the only concern amongst the students. Katsuki Bakugo, who had finished in ninth place as a result of Inasa knocking his lights out, approaches Izuku with an expression of hatred in his eyes.

"Deku..." He snarled. "Why the hell are you here?!"

As he approached, Inasa blocks his path, as his massive hulking size overshadowed the boy.

"And why are you speaking like that towards him?" Inasa asked back in a stern tone. "I doubt Izuku did anything to cause some asshole to speak to him like that."

"Asshole huh?! The fuck are you asshole?! Budding into someone's goddamn business you got no business with!"

"It is my business when some prick is harassing my friend!"

"Huh? Friend?! What are you on about you stupid gorilla? Deku doesn't have any friends!"

"Then you obviously don't know him!! He does friends, so how about you leave him alone, you chihuahua!!"

"Huh?! Chihuahua?!! Why you-"

"Settle down boys." Midnight calls out. "Now then, the first game for the first years is finally over, and what a game it was! Only the top will advance to the next round. But don't be too let down if you didn't make the cut! We've prepared other opportunities for you to shine."

As she stands on the stage, imposing an aura of sexiness to the crowd, she cracks her whip, while the slot screen behind her once again lights up.

"Now the real fun is about to begin. The chance to fully move yourselves into the limelight! Give it your best!"

The slot screen begins to spin rapidly once more, with the students growing further worried by the anticipation.

"Let's see what we have in store for you next. Will your wildest fantasies come to life? What could it be? The waiting is torture. Prepare yourselves...for this!"

As the screen stops to one of the many options, many of the students groan in annoyance of the result. In particular, a blond haired boy named Denki Kaminari groans the loudest.

"Cavalry battle? I'm terrible at those.

"Huh, it's not an individual event. I wonder how they'll split us up." A frog faced girl next to him mutters in curiosity.

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