Chapter 4: The Boy Of The Shadows

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High School. An awkward time in any young man or woman's life. Those who have gone through it know the perilless struggles every students faces when in this phase of life. Though for our white curly haired protagonist, this is only the beginning of his journey through high school, as we see him begrudgingly stand beside his sister for one last photo in front of Aldera Junior High, two weeks after the exam.

"Now say cheese." Inko says to them.

"Cheese." the two say in a sour tone.

After taking the picture, Inko can't help but grow emotional at the sight of her children finally graduating Junior High and are now entering the next stage of their lives, and rushes in to give the two a group hug.

"I just can't believe my babies are entering high school." She says as tears begin to leak out.

"Mum! Your tears, they're getting onto my uniform!" Izumi says in a panic.

"Oh, sorry about that. But I can't help but cry. To see my two lovely children grow up, it brings a mother to tears."

"Hey now, Inko. There's no need to cry. It's just a part of growing up, that's all." Toshinori tells her while trying to comfort her.

"Yeah, that's all it is." Izuku begins. "And besides, I'll still come and visit during my off time, so there's no need to worry. I'll make sure of it that I come down as soon as I can."

The tears of joy slowly continue to stream down her face, as the family begin to make their way to the car, and drop of Izuku at the train station.

"All right, I'll be going now. I'll do my best to make you proud, mum." He says to her as he boards the train.

"Izuku, make you you eat right, try not to spend too much money at once, and please make sure you keep up your studies!"

"I will mum."

As he finally boards the train, footsteps begin to approach. Turning his head back, he see's his father, standing before him, his stature looming over him.

"Hey dad. Is there something I can help you with?"

Toshinori doesn't say a word to him immediately, his lips seemingly sown shut, unable to say anything at first. That is, until Toshinori raises his head, making eye contact with Izuku with his own pear of shiny light blue eyes.

"Izuku... no matter what happens. I want you to know, I will always be proud of you." He tells him.

Izuku felt... strange. It was the first time in his life that his father had said he was proud of him, and yet... despite holding no real affection for his father, his spirit quivered. He had no way of returning the affection his father tried to give him, only looking down at the ground, struggling to come to terms with things.

But... one thing he was able to do, in that moment in time, was give his father a thumbs up, as the train doors began to close. Izuku rides the train, once again seeing the sights he saw two weeks ago.

Eventually, after boarding off the train, and making his way to the front of the school, he places of his Shiketsu High School hat, having changed into his uniform after exiting the train.

"Man, who would've thought that entering high school could be so exciting." Izuku commented.

"You got that right man, this is the most excited I've felt in a long time."

A short bit of silence rolls around, as Izuku and this new voice turn their heads towards each other, before the new face suddenly starts showing a rather unpleasant face.

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