Chapter 9: Two Schools Clash -Fangs vs Shadows-

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Upon hearing Present Mic yell "Begin" from the speakers, Shinso immediately unzipped his high collar, exposing his snake and eyes mark on his mouth, before opening it widely.

"BLAST AWAY!!" He shouted.

Sero, being exposed to the command, was seemingly blasted away by Shinso, suffering the same fate as his other classmates, and being knocked out of the ring.

"Uh oh! Looks like Sero got a one way ticket to the shadow realm!!! But in all seriousness, just what kind of power does that Shinso kid have?!"

"If I may comment." Aizawa mutters. "Based on what I've observed from the events prior, it seems that the boy's power is based on the manipulation of one's will."

"Wait seriously?!"

"With any type of command that he speaks, it becomes reality, causing those that hear it to act upon it."

"Holy crap, now that's a pretty insane ability."

As the crowd began to murmur to each other, Fumikage merely gazed up at the commentators box, and gave them a rather foul look.

"I would be okay with them explaining Shinso's ability if only they didn't make this event televised. But... I guess that's what happens when a school doesn't take things like this into account." Fumikage thinks to himself.

"Nice one Shinso. If we keep this up, we can totally win this!"


"Okay, I really don't know why you're saying that, but whatever, let's just win this."

Momo without a second thought began to rush towards Fumikage. Equipping a metal pole in her hand, she attempted to swing the poll and hit him in the stomach. However, this would prove to backfire, as she suddenly felt a surge of electricity hit her entire body.

"It's a shame you weren't stronger, perhaps your teachers need to train you better."

Commanding Nue to continue the assault, it began to fly towards her, hitting her with electrical strike after electrical strike. But in response to this, she begins to flee and try to circle back towards Fumikage.

"So she can see Nue. Makes sense... She possesses a significant amount of cursed energy. Possibly even having the same amount as me." He thinks to himself.

"DON'T MOVE!!!" Shinso shouts from behind.

Fumikage felt his entire body begin to stiffen up as a result of the command, his limbs unable to move as a result.

"RETURN!" He shouted once more.

Suddenly, Nue dispels in the air, with Momo finally rushing her way back.

"Nice work, Shinso. You've provided me an opening. Now let me make this an official win!!"

As she leaps into the air, about to drop kick him out of the arena, however, Shinso's "Don't Move" command, eventually stops the temporary paralysis, allowing Fumikage to move once more, and begins to unleash two hand signs.


The two creatures in question get summoned quickly, with Nue flying behind Momo, while Max Elephant unleashes a massive torrent of water from its trunk onto Momo, drenching her.

"What, water?!"

"NUE, NOW!!!"

Nue flies down onto the scene, striking Momo with its electro-shock wings before flying above her. This causes Momo to get electrocuted and remain in place. Fumikage, seeing an open opportunity, dashes towards her with determination on his mind.

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