Chapter 19: Collective Response

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The two villains standing before the man made a rather... skeptical expression. While their welcoming into the league was rather unexpected, they didn't want to take any chances and just blindly accept his offer. At least, not until they knew all the facts.

"As if I would just accept your deal." The black haired man with burn scars said to him.

"I already have a family I'm a part of, so no thanks." The blonde girl responded.

The man, despite having his offer rejected, does not respond negatively to this, and merely leans back into his chair.

"Get rid of them, Master." Tomura says while standing beside him. "I can already tell these two are the kind of trash I hate. A guy with no manners, and a stuck up brat."

"Now, now, Tomura Shigaraki, lets not be rude to our kind guests." The man regarded as Master says to him. "These two took the time out of their day to meet up with us. It's only fair that we be nice and hear them out."

"Whatever." Tomura scoffed.

"Now then, how about we all introduce ourselves. You may refer to me as All For One, or just Shigaraki. This young man here is Tomura, the gentlemen in the suit is Kurogiri, and the other young man is Rody. Of course there are two more associates, but they are currently located at a different site.  Now how about you two?"

The two stay silent for a little while, before the blonde girl began to speak up.

"If you must know, I am Himiko Toga. I am the youngest in my family of three, and only wish for a place where the three of us will be safe. So forgive me if I'm so convinced that you'll give us protection."

"I see. And you my black haired friend?"

"Right now I'm going by Dabi."

"You idiot. The master wanted your real name." Tomura said in frustration.

"Well then I'll tell him when he needs to know it. As for my desire. My desire is to carry out the hero killers will."

"Ahh, the hero killer. Such an influential person, yet he was defeated so easily." Tomura said mockingly. "I suggest you get rid of his, Master. At least the girl might have some use."

"Now, now, Tomura, be nice. Dabi, I can see you are an individual full of potential, and I respect your desire to carry on Stain's will. But, that's not the true reason you came here, isn't it."

The young man named Dabi was rather shaken by this. Was he that easy to read? It is true that he wanted to be something like Stain, but even still, he didn't necessarily commit to the ideology.

"I can tell you desire something far more personal than culling those "false heroes". You're after someone specifically. Someone who had wronged you. I can help you enact your revenge. Make you stronger than you are now. Isn't that more satisfying than simply carrying out the ideology of an idiot like Stain?"

Dabi did not respond to All For One, his words ringing in his head like a broken record. However, one thing had changed with the young man's expression. A smile. One so devilish, even Tomura himself was concerned by it.

"Now, Toga. As someone who once had a brother, and now has a lovely daughter, I understand your desire to protect family. I will offer you full protection with the power vested in me, in exchange, you and your family help me fulfill my goals. Do we have a deal?"

The man put out his hand to the girl, who merely stared at it before letting out her own hand, shaking All For Ones.

"Excellent. Now I can officially welcome you, to the League of Villains." He said with a soft grin.

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