Chapter 3: My Reason Alone

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The light of the sun had begun burning brightly, signifying the start of the new day. Inko and Izuku Yagi, at around seven in the morning had gotten changed into their clothes and were waiting at a bustling airport, looking for any sign of Toshinori and Izumi. People of various walks of life either boarded the planes to their international destination, or were returning to see loved ones who missed them deeply.

Eventually, due to Toshinori's stature of seven feet and three inches, the pair were quickly able to find them amongst the crowd.

"Inko!" He yells out while waving.

"Toshi!" Inko yells back.

The two come into view, as Inko slowly approaches them, giving each of them a hug.

"I'm glad you two are back, safely." She tells the two.

"So are we, honey." Toshinori tells her.

While the two gave their embrace to Inko, Izuku merely looked away, not really too excited by their return. If he were to be honest, he felt a sense of freedom since those two were gone for so long. But regardless, he had to put up with it.

"Uncle Toshi!" A female voice calls out.

Passing through the crowd, we see a blonde haired girl, wearing a large set of glasses, make her way to them, while accidentally bumping into some people with her now physically toned body.

"Ahh Melissa. I was wondering where you ran off to."

"Yeah, I just had to figure out where the bathroom was. I won't lie, I kind of got confused, what with the whole culture shock and that."

Izuku and Inko, seeing the American girl in front of them, react in slight embarrassment.

"Uhh, Toshi... who is this nice lady?"

"Oh, right. I forgot to introduce you to her. Inko, Izuku, this is Melissa Shield."

"Hey you guys!" She says in slightly broken Japanese.

"Melissa here is the daughter of an old friend of mine who sadly passed. She'll be staying with us for a while."

"I'm so glad to meet you to. Thank you for having me."

Inko, thinking she couldn't hear her right due to the broken Japanese she was hearing, merely bows her head in respect, in an attempt to not make a big deal out of it. Izuku on the other hand, merely looked around the airport, seeing a large sum of cursed spirits roam throughout the large passageways.

"Man, there are really a large number of them here." Izuku thought to himself. "Hopefully they don't cause trouble."

After entering the car and driving out of the airport, we see Melissa looking out the window, all wide eyed, as she admires the scenery of the many places they pass by. Izuku however, continued to silently stare at his phone, scrolling through his music player app to find the best song to drift asleep too.

"Wow... this is so cool." Melissa said in broken Japanese. "This city looks wonderful!"

"Yeah, but it's better to see it at night." Izumi tells her. "The lights definitely make this place a lot better in my opinion."

 While Izuku was attempting to drift off to sleep, he felt his body slightly shake, as Melissa kept nudging his shoulder.

"Yes?" Izuku answered.

"So, Izuku right? What's it like living the the number-"

But before she could blab about the "secret", Izumi quickly stops her, informing her in the very little English she knew that Izuku had "not been told of Toshinori's secret". Understanding this, she quickly changed her question to the best of her ability.

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