Chapter 16: Roadmap to Redemption -I-

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Worry. That was what Izuku was feeling when he saw the large black sphere in front of him. He thought he was an idiot. How did he not take into account the possibility of this curse having a Domain? Well it was too late for him to scold himself. All he knew was that Hawks was trapped inside, and he didn't know exactly what this girls cursed technique was.

He desperately banged on the dome with all of his strength, but he saw no way of breaking in. However, as he was doing so, Hawks examined the inside of the Domain, and whistled as a result.

"So what, is this your ultimate move or something?"

"Yep. Just learned how to do it. Gotta say, I'm thankful to you and the boy for helping me achieve this level. It's thanks to you two that I was able to grow so quickly. So as thanks for doing this, I'll make sure to kill you quickl-"

"Look, just cut that whole gratitude stuff out, alright. I've received plenty of it already. Plus... having you give me gratitude is starting to put a bad taste in my mouth."

Eri, upon hearing this, merely stared at the hero with a rather unpleasant look on her face.

"You know, it's a lot less fun to do this when you don't play along. But whatever."

"Go ahead. I have no regrets."

She goes to use the guaranteed hit from her Domain, motioning her hands to do so. But just as she is about to do so, she hears a loud crash from above them, before seeing Izuku crash into the Domain. Was he insane? Did he think him entering the Domain was a good idea? Eri stared at him while he stared back. But there was no fear on his face. Only a smile of a mad man, as he crossed his two index fingers together.


 UNLIMITED VOID!!!" Izuku cried out

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His Domain began to surround the area, with even Hawks being confused by the sudden attack. But Eri, the main victim of said attack, is helpless against the attack, with most of her body going completely still as a result.

"I haven't perfected this technique just yet, but I have no doubt that I've improved its effect. Now then, lets end things now before you make things more annoying for me."

Her eyes widened, as all of the information processing through her mind began to make her frozen in place. The image of Izuku's eyes would forever inprint themselves into her mind, as she stood there, unable to move.

Hawks however, despite not feeling the effects of the Domain, grew curious at this display of power that his intern was showcasing, before the barrier began to completely shatter to pieces, showing the sky above them.

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