Chapter 18: Provisional License Mayhem

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About five minutes after the exam had begun, each of the year groups in Shiketsu began to split up in order to cover more ground. Izuku, who was with Fumikage, Inasa and Shinso, didn't really see the challenge in this first phase of the exam. Sure, there were approximately thirty eight UA students, including Melissa in his way, and that he was forbidden from using his barrier, but otherwise, this was going to be a breeze.

There was just one problem. Because of the small passing mark, it was likely that not all of the Shiketsu students would be able to pass, since there were eleven of them.

This was made evidently clear, when there was a sudden announcement that his third year classmate, Tatami Nakagame, was announced to be taken out.

"Seriously, already?!" Inasa yelled out. "Who was it?"

"Who knows. All we know is that there are only nine spots left, so we best get a move on." Fumikage responded.


Izuku, who was more or less staring off into the clouds continued to run with his four peers, as they entered the city area. But before they could even take a breath of fresh air, the four were suddenly caught of guard by four members of Class 1B.

"Your lucks officially run out, Shiketsu idiots!" The blond kid spoke. "You guys may have beaten those Class 1A weaklings in a two on two battle, but compared to us, you're simply outclassed."

"Oh, is that right?" Fumikage called out. "Well forgive us, because we simply don't care."

"You will care soon enough. Now!!"

The other three members of the small group began to coordinate their attacks, and attempt to sneak attack them and hit their targets. The black haired boy, named Hiryu Rin, attempted to fight off Inasa, while the white haired boy Nirengeki Shoda, and the black haired girl Yui Kodai attempted to combine their quirks "Twin Impact" & "Size" together in a devastating combo against Izuku and Fumikage.

As for the blond boy named Neito Monoma, he attempted to exploit the most significant ability of the four. Hitoshi Shinso. He went behind the boy and placed his hand on the boys back, before attempting to utilise his ability.

"Now your quirk is mine. SLEEP!!!"

But while the other four members of the class watch attentively to see if the strategy would work, it was too their horror that... nothing happened.

"Wh-What? Why didn't it work?!"

Shinso, seeing an opening, simply punched the day lights out of Monoma, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Monoma, no!!" One of his three classmates called out.

Because of the break in formation, the four began to quickly overwhelm the four 1B students, and defeat them without any issue.

"Spots two, three, four and five have been taken." Yokumiru announced.

While the four boys made their way out of the arena. Sounds of an earthquake began to make themselves known.

"Wow, that must be Shindo using his quirk. That's pretty insane." Inasa points out.

"Either that or that third year that was with them."

"Oh yeah, they did bring a third year with them didn't they."

Over on the other side of the arena, we see this made evident, as Melissa is going against Shikkui Makabe and Nagamasa Mora utilising her shoot style and easily defeating them.

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