Chapter 5: Preparation

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After the events of the welcoming party, things at Shiketsu begun to go as planned, with Ms. Joke and the other nameless teachers teaching the four boys about all sorts of subject matter. Hero laws, situational analysis, and even some practical lessons that had the goal of getting a better grip on their powers.

It turned out, Fumikage had a very interesting cursed technique, that peaked Izuku's curiosity. He had the ability to summon several creatures as a result of what Fumikage said was called the "ten shadows technique". This peaked Izuku's interest. This allowed the young man to summon creatures he called "Shikigami" with each of them possessing unique abilities to his benefit.

But he wasn't the only one who had an interesting power. Despite Inasa being what some would describe as "a total dumb ass", he was pretty competent when it came to the use of his powers, especially if it was in team coordinated activities. His ability allowed him to swap places with someone or something he so desired, if he simply clapped his hands together, though there were limitations to this. It needed to have a certain amount of what Inasa called "Energy of the gods." Something he noted he could infuse in inanimate objects and use them as a maneuver to get behind opponents.

Despite all these distractions, Izuku was still held up by what had happened, when he found Camie in his bed after the party, even though nothing really ended up happening. Izuku had never really spoken to any girl in his life, much less go on a date with one, so the fact something like this happened really kept unintentionally frying his mind with embarrassment.

"Hey Yagi, you okay? Your face is going all red and stuff." Inasa asked him.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just something on my mind, that's all." Izuku told him.

"Oh good. For a second I thought you were getting sick because of the food."

As the boys continued to eat their meals, Inasa began to speak once more.

"So, that Camie girl is certainly something, ain't she?"

This causes Izuku to slightly begin to hurl, but he is able to swallow his food again.

"Well, from first impressions, she's a bit of an airhead. Though I can't really comment on her when I haven't seen her full capabilities." Fumikage commented.

"What about you Yagi?"

Izuku struggled to answer. His mind was still occupied with the memory of them in his room. Sweat began to drop down his face, though only slightly, as he was quickly able to wipe it off with his hand.

"Well... I can't really say. Much like Tokoyami, I can't comment about her when I haven't seen her in action. Other than that, she seems nice."

"I can agree with that. But... onto something more important. Something only us guys can talk about."

The three peaked their ears in curiosity, as they moved their heads closer to Inasa.

"What kind of girls are you into?"

This question causes Fumikage to merely shift his head back to the rest of his body, annoyed at the question.

"What nonsense." Fumikage comments. "To have a discussion about something so trivial is not worthy of my time."

"Huh?! What do you mean nonsense?!" Inasa says in confusion. "C'mon, as guys, something like this is very important!"

"To you maybe. But something like that is none of my concern... not until I become a fully fledged pro hero. Pursuing a relationship now would only take away important time from my hands. And I want to be as prepared as possible for the future."

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