Chapter 20: Kamino Nightmare: Gate Open

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After All Might entered into the dome, static was all Yokumiru could hear, while he desperately tried to contact All Might. But it was no use. No matter how many times he tried, there was no answer from him.

"Dammit. We lost him."

"Say what?!" Endeavor yelled out.

"Whatever this thing is, it's interfering with out communications."

"So you've sent him into a trap?!! You idiot!!"

"Give me a minute. I'm trying to come up with something."

The other heroes began whispering with each other, while the student hero interns had a slight look of worry. Izuku however, had a curious look on his face, something Fumikage had noticed.

"What's up, Yagi?"

"Something that Yokumiru just said is bugging me. He lost immediate communication with All Might as soon as he entered the dome." Izuku answered. "So how was he able to receive the message if the villains are inside the dome?"

"Now that you mention it. That does sound rather suspicious."

"But that only brings up another question. Who sent the message?"

"Who knows, but something tells me we're going to act sooner than we thought."

High above the group of heroes, we see what appears to be a rifle scope observing them with a calm demeanor.

"Has he gone in yet?" A rather masculine voice asked.

"Yes. All Might has entered. Now our job officially begins." A female voice answered.

"Great. Then I'll get into position!"

"Get to work... get to work."

"Should we kill them? Don't kill them, that's bad!!"

The small group of people began to spread out, while the woman with the indigo hair continued to stare down at the unsuspecting heroes.

Inside the dome, All Might felt a wave of dread wash over him, upon seeing the face of the man before him. It couldn't be, it was All For One, in the flesh. But how? How was he here? How was he alive? He had his doubts about his status ever since the USJ attack, but he had hope that his greatest worries were nothing more than worries. But now it was confirmed. All For One... was alive.

"You... All For One. But how?"

"Ahh, yes. It's been nearly a decade since you've seen me. Well, if you want a better look, then all you had to do was ask."

He began to walk down from the mountain of cars, with the view of the villains face becoming more and more clearer. but what he saw was something he never would've thought would happen. All For one not only in health condition, but having another set of eyes.

"Wha-What the hell?" All Might uttered. "What the hell did you do to yourself? How are you so-"

 "What the hell did you do to yourself? How are you so-"

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