Chapter 21: Mayhem

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After taking down the villain known as Moonfish, Izuku let out a sigh of relief. While the cannibalistic villain wasn't nearly as strong as he was expecting, the sheer appearance of him definitely did cause a bit of wiriness. Especially with the straitjacket. However, something that caught his eye was a strange stake, with a weird thin paper wrapped around it hammered into the ground. Having yanked it out of the ground, Izuku simply crushed the stake, finding it rather strange. 

"Well that was weird."

Manual, who had witnessed the fight first hand, was in total shock at how easily the two took down the villain, and was about to fall on his knees, had Yuyu not arrived and caught the villain.

"Manual, what happened here?"

"Th-Those two. They- They took him down so easily." He said pointing at the now unconscious villain."

"Besides being caught by surprise at this revelation, Yuyu, and Mount Lady, who had also just arrived, saw the three dead heroes and almost threw up, but as they were about to do so, they noticed the large veil in front of them begin to go down, causing a bit of confusion amongst them.

"Wait, hold on, what exactly just happened?" Mount Lady asked.

"Don't know. It might have something to do with this thing I just crushed." Izuku answered while holding up the broken stake.

"Huh, weird. But, at least we can make a move."

"Mount Lady, we can't be too rash." Manual exclaimed. "Remember, we've still got to wait for Yokumiru's signal to go in."

"Listen, I don't think you understand the situation. We lost connection to All Might the moment he stepped into whatever that dome was, we can't waste time standing here." Mount Lady argued.

The two heroes continued to bicker at each other, while Yuyu, Izumi and Izuku simply stood by.

"Man, these two are seriously starting to piss me off." Izumi commented.

"For once, I agree with you." Izuku said back to her.

"All teams, please come in." Yokumiru spoke through the communicator.

This stopped the two heroes from bickering, and acknowledging their presence to him.

"Uhh, team seven accounted for, sir." Manual spoke.

"You and your team have permission to go further into the city." He tells them.

"Wait, seriously? But what about-"

"There's no time. Until All Might's location has been confirmed, we can't dawdle any longer." Yokumiru tells them. "Some teams will need to be split up to cover more ground."

"Wait, is that really the best idea?"

"Unfortunately, this is a measure we need to take. We've noticed that several teams have been attacked or killed. We don't know by who yet, so be careful. If you do encounter an enemy, try to immobilize them."

"Got it sir." Manual finishes. "Alright,we're gonna have to split up in two teams. I'll go with white haired Yagi, and Mount lady, you go with Yuyu and green-haired Yagi."

"Okay ladies, you heard him, lets do our jobs and take down some bad guys!" Mount Lady yelled out.

The three began to make their way to a different part of the ward while Manual and Izuku did the same.

"You know I could've been fine on my own, right?" Izuku commented.

"Even if your quirk is strong, you're still a child. If I found out that you got hurt because I left you on your own, I would never be able to forgive myself."

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