Chapter 23: Finality

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Over at another part of Kamino Ward, Inasa, Fumikage and the other heroes they were put with, were investigating the area in hopes of finding any known survivors. To say things were rather strange would be an understatement. Inasa had never seen a city so... empty before, and honestly, it gave him the chills.

"Something the matter, Inasa?" Fumikage asked him.

"I don't know. I thought my first real mission would be more... easier. This is just... weirding me out."

"You scared or something?"

"Hell no! I'm a certified semi-pro hero now! What's there to be scared of?!"

His voice echoed through the city, with the heroes they were with looking back at the boy in annoyance. In particular, Endeavor, who wasn't the biggest fan of looking after children, approached the boy with a disgusted expression in his eyes.

"We don't have time for chit chat. If that's all you two want to do, you might as well just go home." Endeavor said to them

"I-I'm sorry." He said to him.

Inasa never really liked Endeavor after his first meeting as a child, so to have this man of all people was in charge of his team was even more blood boiling.

"Let's get moving, we can't be stalling like this." He tells them.

"I wouldn't be moving if I were you." A loud voice called out from a far. 

The man that yelled this out had light grey hair, with white tips, likely the result of the hair dye applied on his head wearing out from time. The bottom half of his face was covered with a mask, his eyes being the only thing that the heroes could see.

"Because if you make one wrong step, you'll just end up dead."

The heroes, Inasa and Fumikage put up their guard as they look around for any other possible villains in the area. The man however, began to get somewhat giddy, something that annoyed Endeavor.

"You there! Stand down now damned villain!!" Endeavor yelled out.

"Oh? Me, stand down? Now why on earth would I listen to the words of a weakling when I clearly have the advantage?" The masked man called out. "After all, I am the one who has control of this domain!!"

Two specific heroes called "The Fly" and "Funkman" tried to make an attempted attack on the villain, giving the heroes an opening of escape. However, they were quickly incapacitated and killed, when a sudden bullet came flying towards them, going through their heads.

"What the-"

"Like I said, I have control of this domain. "

Fumikage, despite complying with the villains orders, clasped his hands and summoned Nue behind him, sending it into the sky.

"What are you doing?" Inasa whispered.

"I'm going to have Nue try and find the shooter. See exactly who it is we're dealing with."

"Oh, good idea. I could swap with Nue once they get close to them, but I'm not sure what the range limit for my ability is."

"Well lets see where they are first before we try anything."

The man with grey hair began to pace back and forth, before breaking down in what appeared to be a strange dance.

"You know, as much as I wished things went differently for our meeting, I couldn't have asked for a better way to reveal myself to you, Enji Todoroki."

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