Chapter 14: A Narrow-minded Approach

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Prior to his meeting with Izuku and Fumikage, we see Kota walking along the sidewalk, heading home after hanging out his new "acquaintance" Eri. Despite her rather creepy appearance, he found himself comfortable around her, even considering her someone he could slightly trust. The only thing he couldn't understand was her constant obsession with the soul.

He assumed she was just some messed up kid who believed in spirits and anything related to the occult. But then again, she did kill those three boys, so it wasn't like he didn't know she had a few screws loose.

But as he was pondering on his thoughts of the girl, he suddenly spots a teacher of his standing at the front of him home.

"Ahh, Kota. There you are. What are you doing out on your own? You know you should be with your guardian at all times when you're out, right?"

"Teacher..." He muttered.

"While I have you, did you hear? Apparently Tamashiro, Sho and Takuto passed away? You were friends with them, right?"

Kota's eyes widened in utter shock at this sudden sentence the teacher uttered. His mind began to flare up with thoughts that he desperately wanted to voice out his thoughts.

"They always looked out for you since you don't have friends. And you didn't even attend their funerals. Honestly what's wrong with yo-"

"Just shut up!!" Kota yelled out. "You seriously think those three and I were friends?! Are you insane?! Those idiots were nothing more than animals! Animals that only resembled humans!! In fact, I don't care if I didn't attend their funeral, those three deserved to die!!" 

The teacher was shocked at this sudden statement,as she quickly began to berate the boy for making such a statement. But as she began to yell at the boy, Kota suddenly saw a white haired boy run up to the teacher and snatched her purse off her and began to run away from the scene, causing the teacher to scream out in annoyance and chase the young man, leaving Kota on his own, confused.

"What the hell was that?" He thought to himself.

"Yo, sorry about that." Izuku said, having returned to the scene.

"Don't bother apologising, you did me a favour." Kota said with apathy.

"Yagi, you certainly surprised me there." Fumikage says coming from the corner. "Your speed has gotten better."

"Thanks dude." Izuku responded. "By the way, is your name Kota by any chance?"

The boy nodded in response to this, while avoiding eye contact with the pair, noticing the uniforms they were wearing. Hero school uniforms.

"Would it be okay if we can ask you a couple of questions?" Izuku asks him.

Kota merely stared at the teen with no real emotion on his face. No rejection, no affirmation, just... blank.


After walking over to a nearby street corner, Izuku headed to a nearby vending machine and grabbed three drinks out for the three of them, seeing that Kota was slightly dehydrated.

"Here you go."

"Thanks." Kota said without any emotion.

"I take it you don't like that teacher very much, right? I mean... I wouldn't either if I had to deal with someone that funny looking. I know mutant type quirks exist and all that, but I have a hard time believing her face the result of such a quirk."

Kota slightly spat out his drink as a response to this sudden statement, concerning Fumikage.

"You alright?" Fumikage asked him.

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