Chapter 13: Sudden Encounter

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After deciding to assist Hawks on the investigation of the Masegaki Primary School murders, Fumikage and Izuku walk with him to the morgue, where upon entering, get various looks from the officers walking around, as well as the pro heroes signing documents for their recent arrests of other criminals. However, one set of eyes in particular scowled at the blond hero.

"Hawks... what is the meaning of this?" The dark green haired man said in an annoyed manner.

"Hey dude... sorry, I was just picking up my new interns. They've agreed to help us out with this case we've got."

"You thought it was a good idea to bring children to a morgue, let alone help us in this case? You're such an idiot , you know that?"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. You've still got a stick up your ass. But these two could really help us out. They are two of Shiketsu's first years after all."


"Yagi, Tokoyami. Meet the ever so serious, Mirai Sasaki!!"

"That's Sir Nighteye to you, Hawks."

"Awe come on man. You won't even let me say your name?"

"In case you haven't noticed, we're on the clock right now, so we address each other by our code names."

"Wow, he's almost like an adult version of you, Fumikage." Izuku whispers to him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He whispered back.

"Well, you're both serious people, that's all."

"I see."

Sir Nighteye began to walk up to the two boys, in particular, he stared down at Izuku, with his glasses reflecting the light from above, as he let out a hand for a formal handshake.

"I saw your performance on TV. You were certainly a powerhouse against your opponents at the sports festival, especially that final match. I commend you for your victory."

"Oh, uh, thank you sir."

"Good, now that everyone is acquainted with each other, how about we begin our investigation?" Hawks blurts out.

"Right. Based on the autopsy report, and the information given out by the media, these boys were killed by an unknown power. The power in question forcibly altered their bodies to drastic degrees."

"So what, like a body morphing quirk?"

"Possibly. The brain stem was altered in a way that killed them instantly. The body altering came afterwards, however, there appears to be no DNA left behind by our perpetrator.

"Seriously? Man whoever this person is, they certainly are smart."

"That would be the case, if the killer didn't give us an opening."

He presses a button on the remote in his hand, with the small TV near them turning on to reveal footage of one part of the primary school school, in particular, the four see a small child running for his life, but not out of danger.

"Hold on, one of the children got away?" Hawks asks him.

"We believe so." Nighteye answers. "One of the teachers we brought in for questioning identified this student as one "Kota Izumi" son of Water Hose. We believe he can help identify the one responsible for this. However... not have the teachers informed us that Kota hasn't been at school for the past couple of days, but we also have no information on where he lives."

"Doesn't the school have records of a phone number we can call? Like a guardian or something?" Hawks asks him.

"If we did, then I wouldn't have asked for help, let alone from you."

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