Chapter 24: Calamity

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All over Kamino Ward, various heroes of all ages are either fighting against the Nomu's or trying to save the few people they managed to find. Though their numbers were larger in comparison, the Nomu's were easily taken down without much trouble. But one thing was felt all over the entire Ward during this time. Death. 

Not because of the Nomu's, nor was it because of the countless deceased bodies around them. But because at this moment in time, Fumikage Tokoyami, first year student at Shiketsu High, was unleashing something upon the world. A creature that would forever create fear in the hearts of those that witnessed it.

"Wh-What the hell is this?" Some of the heroes thought to themselves.

Melissa, who had gotten separated from her group and had been leaping from rooftop to rooftop suddenly felt this feeling of death and crashed into a nearby building. Her face was only full of one thing. despair.

Inasa, who at this moment in time, saw Nue deform into sludge before feeling a chill all over his body.

"Tokoyami?" He muttered.

Despite this chill, he continued to go in the general direction Nue was taking him. Though this chill was felt through the entire ward, All For One, who had been taking a stroll through the endless train stations felt the chill and... noticed his hands shake. Not in fear, but excitement.

"Now this is interesting. Perhaps I should go check out this sudden development." He said to himself before disappearing from view.

Dabi and Rody, who were in front of the boy, felt the most chills down their spines, as the sounds of wolfs howling filled their ears and minds, before bearing witness to something that suddenly appeared behind Fumikage. A cocoon like structure, holding what looks to be a gigantic creature of sorts. But one thing that caused some worry for them, was that the cocoon was cracking, and at a fast rate.

"Wh-What the hell is this?!" Dabit thought to himself. "What is this brat doing?! Is he insane?!!"

The creature fully emerged out of the cocoon, with wings growing out of it's head, and its muscles growing larger in size.

"Hey you damn bastards!" Fumikage said out loud. "I'll be dying first, so give it your best shot!"

The creature, now named Mahoraga, used its large fists, and smacked Fumikage away from the scene, causing him to crash into a nearby wall and slump over unconscious.

Dabi had never really been afraid of anything in his life before. Aside from his fathers rejection, his heart was full of courage and unwavering grit. But in the presence of this being, this absolute monster, he was helplessly afraid, as he proceeded to shoot his fire at it.

As the flames dissipated, Mahoraga stood completely still, but unharmed. It began to approach him, it's feet breaking the ground beneath it.

"H-Hold on, w-wait! wait! wait! wait! wait! wait! wait! " Dabi said out loud in panic. "Rody! help me out here!!"

"Hey man, it's after you, not me. And... last time I checked, I'm only helping out All For One here, so you can die for all I care."

"Ohhh fuck you!"

Mahoraga continued to approach the man, with the shikigami extending it's arm out, ready to attack him while he continued to try and shoot his flames at it.

"Dammit shitty hero kid, wake up already!! Wake u-"

He would've died that day, if Mahoraga had laid his hands on him. But fate had other plans for him, as carrying him by his trench coat, All For One stood tall, staring in awe at the creature before him.

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