Chapter 22: Corrupted Ties

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All For One stared at Izuku with a calculating smile, while the young man was confused by this sudden statement.

"Huh? What the hell are you even talking about?"

"Couldn't hear me? I asked, "would you like to know something interesting about you and your sister?"" All For One said to him.

"No, I heard that, I just... what do you even know about me and my sister?"

"More than you could ever know." He responded. "Now then, allow me to tell you the tale... of you and your sisters birth."

Izumi was currently running for her life back to where Yuyu and Mount Lady were left at. But upon arriving at the area, she saw they were no longer there. She thought that the worst had happened, and reluctantly chose to try and find her father.

She ran through the streets as fast as she could, stopping a couple of times to help any group of heroes she could find that were getting attacked by Nomu's. In the last instance she did this, she saw a large horde surrounding one group of heroes, who were trying to protect a group of civilians they found. She wanted to help them, but with this many Nomu's around, she wouldn't exactly be helpful. What could she do?

"Yagi!!" Someone called out.

Izumi turned to see Todoroki, Momo and Shinso below her, running to the scene.

"Todorki! Yaoyorozu!"

"We'll be fine here, try to find any others!" She yelled out.


"No buts! Just go!" Todoroki interjected.


She immediately began to run away from the scene, continuing her search for her father, while the three stopped in front of the horde.

"Do your thing, Shinso." Momo said to him.

Walking up towards the many Nomu's, Shinso took out a megaphone that he had brought with them, and lifted it towards his mouth.

"Don't move!" He yelled out.

The Nomu's seemingly freeze in place, with their fates being left unknown.

Izumi meanwhile, continued to run at a fast pace, looking all around herself for any clues that could point to her fathers whereabouts. She chose to go down to one of the many train stations in Kamino Ward in order to save time. But that decision would be her biggest mistake, as when she leaped from the top of the escalator to the bottom, she locked eyes with someone. Someone who at this moment in time, wanted her dead. It was Toga.

The moment she met eyes with hers, Toga activated her technique without hesitation, with markings appearing around her eyes.

"Izumi Yagi!" She thought out loud. "My siblings killer!"

Her heart began to beat faster and faster, while her blood traveled through her blood stream at incredible speeds. She cried out only one word to her adversary.


She clapped her hands together, pointing herself at Izumi, before unleashing a condensed beam of blood at her. The blood pierced into Izumi's arm as she was trying to block it. Luckily for her, she had enough strength to free herself from the attack, causing it to slice through the ceiling.

"Holy shit. What the hell was that?" Izumi thought to herself.

"Piercing Blood." Toga said while firing her attack again.

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