Chapter 2: Training For Shiketsu

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Shortly after the event that had set Izuku on this new path, we find ourselves at the airport a week later, where we see Inko saying her goodbyes to her husband and daughter, who had managed to convince the school to allow Izumi to study online.

"Are you sure you don't want to take Izuku with you?" Inko asked her husband. "Surely he would be-"

"Unfortunately, I cannot." Toshinori told her. "This is something only Izumi can help me with. Besides... I have no doubt Izuku will be fine."

"Well... just make sure you call us occasionally, okay?"

"You got it, honey."

The two board the plane and begin to make their flight to I-Island, while Inko heads back to her car, and drives to work, hoping that things run smoothly for her, unlike many other days in the office. As for Izuku, we see him at school, handing off his career form to his teacher, after the class had been dismissed for the day.

"Shiketsu huh? A very good choice, Yagi. I heard they have an excellent General Studies program. Though that does beg the question, why go all the way west for Shiketsu? Wouldn't it be easier for you to go into the UA General Course?" The teacher asked him.

"Well sir. I just find that this will be a much more comfortable avenue for me."

"I see. Well then, best of luck to you."

"Thank you, sir."

After exiting the classroom, he begins to make his way home, seeing several things go by him. From newly debuting heroes showing off their skills to the public, to groups of friends laughing amongst themselves at jokes he did not understand. Though what annoyed him the most during his walk home, was the large number of invisible creatures that kept hissing at him.

"So annoying." He muttered to himself. "Geez. It's bad enough that I'm the only one that can see you creatures. But it's worse when you start hissing at me like feral cats."

Eventually, he makes it home, heading to the fridge and grabbing a small apple, before heading to his room. That is, until his mother reaches the top of the stairs, having just returned home from work.

"Izuku, sweetie."

"Oh, hey mum. What's up?"

"Well... I know I haven't been home a lot these past few days, but...I wanted to ask if you wanted to go out to barbeque."

"Barbeque? Why barbeque? And why so suddenly?"

"Well... I figured since your father and sister won't be around for a while, I figured we could just enjoy ourselves a bit."

"I see. Then I'll go get myself ready."

After what felt like a couple of hours, the mother and son, get themselves seated at a nearby booth in front of a grill and began cooking various assortments of meat on top of it, from pork, to beef and even enjoying some bowls of udon.

"Wow, I won't lie mum, this has been the best dinner outing ever. The flavours of all this food. It really is mouth watering."

"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it, Izuku."

As Izuku began to dig in on more slabs of beef, Inko grabbed something out the bag she had been carrying besides her purse. The contents inside the bag, was a moderately small box, with an envelope taped on top.

"Mum? What is this?"

"Well... there was another reason for us coming out here."

Izuku looked at her with a puzzled expression on his face.

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