Chapter 6: Two Schools Clash -Race of a Lifetime-

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Inside a dark, and gloomy room, at an undisclosed location, we see a young man glued to his screen, with what looks to be a keyboard and mouse on his desk, playing an online game infamous in today's standards, a game that has brought so much hatred, that it is often mocked by many. League of Legends.

After playing the game for what seemed like a long time, with the young man constantly yelling at his team mates every time they died, a card displaying the word "defeat" causes the young man to "Alt + F4", closing the game from his computer.

"These idiots... why can't they just follow through with the plan and not screw up!!" The blue haired young man yells.

"Awe... did you lose again big bro?" A young female voice called out.

The young steps out of the dark corridor to reveal themselves, wearing a white buttoned up shirt, and having a black dress worn over it. Her pale body covered in various scars, though not from any sort of injury she sustained.

 Her pale body covered in various scars, though not from any sort of injury she sustained

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"Seriously big bro, you really gotta stop playing that stupid game. Otherwise you'll never get a girlfriend. I mean, what kind of woman would want to date a loser like you who plays that game of all things?!"

"Why you... you little shit!"

"Calm down Tomura Shigaraki." A deep voice calls out. 

Coming out of the same corridor, we see a man made up of entirely misty, purple substance, his eyes yellow as the lights above.

"She does have a point. You've confined yourself here ever since your loss at the USJ. It's time to start getting back to work." He continues.

"Why should I? Did you not see what happened to me, Kurogiri?!" Tomura shouts while pointing at the gun wounds. "We were humiliated. The Nomu lost to All Might, those weak lackeys lost to children of all people, and what's worse, I couldn't even kill All Might."

"Calm yourself Tomura Shigaraki. The Nomu was only designed to match and slightly surpass All Might at 100%, we could've never anticipated that he would go beyond his normal limits. But it is clear... he has gotten weaker." Kurogiri explains. "It was not your fault that we lost... we merely miscalculated. Use this experience to understand why we lost... and learn from your shortcomings."

Tomura took in the bar tenders words... choosing not to think about them at this point in time, before turning back to his screen.

"Leave me alone... I have a game to win."

The two behind them let out a rather disappointed sigh, as they begin to leave the young man to his devices.

"Oh well... It seems like big bro is just gonna keep playing that stupid game forever." Eri comments.

"Do not fret, the master has a plan to help our young master readjust and get back on track."

"Speaking of, where is dad?"

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