Chapter 8: Two Schools Clash -Connecting Fists-

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Izumi at this moment was having... mixed feelings. Specifically about Izuku. Ever since the fact of their familial connection was revealed, her classmates had bombarded her with several questions all about him, in particular, the other female classmates.

Questions such as "Why his hair was white?", "How tall is he?" or "Just what is his power?" were the main questions she was asked, and every time they entered her ears, she became more infuriated with his presence alone.

But despite all of that, even she wondered exactly how things became like this. How exactly did Izuku get to this point? How did he get that kind of power? But these questions quickly left her mind, as she stared at the food she had gotten from the cafeteria, and began to indulge herself.

"Izuku, even if you have some fancy new powers, I will show that they are nothing compared to my own." She thought to herself.

Over with Izuku, he stared at the hulking figure with his eyes filled with confusion. He knew that his father was All Might, there was no doubt about that. But to say he was surprised by this sudden interaction was an understatement. The last time the two had talked was when he was just starting at Shiketsu, so why he wanted to suddenly talk to him was a question Izuku knew not the answer to.

"You want a word with me? Why?"

"Well young man, there's a question that I wanted to ask you."

"Okay, so just ask me here then."

"Well, the nature of this question is rather important. It would be best if we found a private room to ask my question."

"Very well then, let us find a private room."

The two walked through the long corridors of the stadium, quickly finding a sound proof room that was rather well decorated.

"So, now that you've brought me here, what did you want to ask me father?"

"Well young man, it's in regards to your po- wait... what did you just say?"

"Are you really at that age where your hearing is starting to fade?" Izuku asked him. "I said what did you want to ask me father."

All Might, having heard this, immediately explodes in a cloud of smoke, returning to his skinny form, as blood began to pour down his face.

"Well... this is certainly a sight to see. But I'd be careful if I were you, you might get blood on your suit."

"B-But... How long?"


"How long have you known, about me being All Might?"

"Approximately a year." Izuku answered. "I believe it was when you first told Izumi that I discovered your identity."

Toshinori's eyes widened slightly, recollecting that first moment in his mind, trying desperately to figure out where Izuku was at the time, but couldn't find anything.

"I was upstairs when you first told her. I wanted to say something, but I felt that it wasn't smart of me to do so." Izuku explained. "Oh, and you don't have to worry your little head about it. I haven't told anyone your identity. I saw no point in doing so."

Toshinori lowered his head in what looked to be shame, with a small hint of relief. Had his son gossiped about his identity, things could've potentially escalated quickly. If it was discovered that the symbol of peace had a secret family, who knows what could've happened. He didn't want to think about that possibility at this point in time, he had to continue with his conversation.

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