Chapter 21: The Raid Battle against Alpha Salamence!

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Charlie has been looking forward to battling in the raid battle with his girlfriend, Leaf. He has been anticipating it ever since the School Tournament last week. Charlie woke up on the morning of the raid battle, feeling very excited. He jumped out of the bedding and ram to Mother Charizard cooking some berries for breakfast.

"What are you so excited about, darling?" Mother Charizard asked her son,

"Today, I'm battling in a raid battle, alongside Leaf!" Panted Charlie.

"Wow. That sounds exciting, Charlie." Smiled Mother Charizard. "Enjoy it!"

Charlie quickly gobbled down his berries and got his red scarf on, from the battle against Jack the Wartortle.

"Wow, you was quick eating breakfast!" Exclaimed Mother Charizard. "Give me one minute before we leave, I need to do something."

Mother Charizard walked away, leaving him alone.

Father Garchomp has just woken up, and was walking up to Charlie.

"Good morning Charlie!" Boomed Father Garchomp with surprise. "Up and ready early for school aren't you?!"

"Yes I am!" Beamed Charlie. "Today I'm participating in a raid battle with my girlfriend, Leaf!"

"Hold on..." paused Father Garchomp. "Aren't you and Leaf in different years?"

"Yes we are." Said Charlie "but Leaf asked Mr Birch the Sceptile if I can join her for her raid battle, and he said yes!"

"Wonderful!" Smiled Father Garchomp, "well, enjoy it, my son."

Mother Charizard has returned wearing matching red scarfs with Charlie. "Do you like it? We match!"

"Nice!" Smiled Charlie.

"Hop on, I'm going to take you to school..." Mother Charizard smiled weakly.

Charlie got on her back, and grunting, mother Charizard took to the skies.

Mother Charizard was growling with pain for the whole journey. It's apparent for the days after the School Battling Tournament, that Charlie's heavy body after evolving was slowing her down, and giving her pain as she flew But there was nothing that Charlie could do, as he needs to get to school quickly enough to not miss class, and he doesn't have wings yet that would allow him to fly.

Once Charlie got to school, he looked around to find his girlfriend, Leaf.

"Have a great time in the raid battle, Charlie!" Panted Mother Charizard from behind him. He turned his head to see her smiling at her.

"Bye mum!"

And mother Charizard was off, soaring into the distance in the sky.

Charlie quickly found Leaf, and they spent some time together before the Bronzong bell rang and it was time for class.

The morning Pokémon Science class seemed to go by slowly, since he was so excited to do the raid battle, but Charlie was glad when the bell finally run. He had butterflies in his tummy as he ate morning tea with his friends, Lucas the Riolu, and Lupus the Rockruff.

Charlie headed for Leaf's PE class after morning tea. Normally his battle studies class was after lunch, but he is joining Leaf's PE class to fight in the raid battle with her.

Charlie greeted the Pokemon in Leaf's class, who will be watching the raid battle. Mr Birch was there, smiling at Charlie as he approached him. Nurse Faith was here, holding a bag made of Whimsicot's cotton. It had a foul stench of herbs coming from inside. Mr Birch silenced the class.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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