Chapter 1: Hatching

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Nathan felt very odd and warm. The warmth was like a comforting blanket. He came to the conclusion that he was in some sort of jelly. He didn't struggle to breathe in this jelly, which surprised him. He was also in a foetal position with his back curled. His eyes were also shut tight.

His first thoughts were "how did I get there?!" And "where did I come from?!"

He strained his memory of his tiny head to try to remember his old life at the orphanage, his death and meeting god, but he didn't remember anything at all! His memory had been completely wiped out!

"I accept that my memory is gone." Nathan thought silently to himself "I have to start this life from anew."

He moved his tiny limbs in the jelly. He then discovered that he had a tail. He moved it as well. He hit a barrier of the jelly around him. He was in an egg! He quickly felt tired from moving his new limbs and fell asleep.

"I can't wait to see the world!" Nathan thought, happily and sleepily.

When he woke up, he heard voices from outside the egg. They were actually grunts and roars but it translated the noises into words inside inside his tiny head.

"The egg is due to hatch anytime, Lizzy!" A masculine voice said.

"Yes, I know, Draco! I can't wait to meet my tiny baby!" Said a feminine voice, very excited.

"I want to come out now!" Thought Nathan, desperately. "These must be my new parents!"

He moved his limbs wildly and kicked the shell of the egg. "I'm coming out, now!"

His parents let out an excited squeal!

"Draco, the egg's hatching!" His mother gasped.

"Wow!" Shouted his father.

Nathan's kicks cracked the egg and he finally came out of it! Cool air rushed through his face. He gasped and took a breath of air for the first time! Nathan started breathing!

"Wow, he's adorable!" Squealed his mother. "What should we name him?!"

"Charlie, it's such a cute name!" Smiled his father.

"I agree Draco!"

"Charlie! That's my new name!" Thought Nathan, now Charlie, happily.

Charlie tried to open his eyes, but there was blinding light, so he shut them tight again. However, he definitely could smell and hear! He could smell flowers and a forest. He could also smell a deep earthy scent coming from his father. Charlie could hear voices of other Pokemon in the area. While he did not have one sense, his other senses were stronger than usual. He also tried to stand up, but his tiny limbs wouldn't support him. He let out a chirping noise.

Suddenly he smelt charcoal and cinders coming from behind him. There was a slight burning feeling on the tip of his tail! He turned his tail towards his face and felt warmth and heard flickering. He touched the burning spot on the tip of his tail and got a sudden pain of a burning fire. Charlie squeaked in shock as the pain hits, only for it to quickly go away.

His mother chuckled.

"Little Charlie, we don't play with the fire on the tip of our tails! Now why don't you come next to me and sleep?"

I Woke up as a Charmander!Where stories live. Discover now