Chapter 4: First Day of Pokemon School - Part 1

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3 years had passed since Charlie asked questions on what type of Pokémon he was and his parents was. He was now 5 years old and is starting school. He no longer used slurred speech, although sometimes his sentences were not full. He was soundly asleep on his bedding, lying on his back, showing his yellow belly. Mother Charizard flew down to see his son and prodded his side with her claws to wake him up. Charlie yawned and opened his eyes.

"Why so early, mama?" Charlie asked her.

"Today is your first day of school!" Said mother Charizard.

Charlie got to his feet and walked off the bedding. His mother pulled off a long piece of grass from a plant.

"You need to wear this." Said his mother. "The teacher came by and said that all children needs to wear this around their neck, to show that they go there.

She tired it lightly around his neck, making sure not to choke him.

"It looks great on you!" Smiled mother Charizard. "Why don't you have some berries for breakfast before you go?"

Charlie had breakfast with his mother and father. Father Garchomp lifted up into the sky and flew away to do some Pokémon battles.

"I am taking you into the sky, to get you to school! We live quite far away from it." Said mother Charizard. "Hop onto my back and hold on tight! It will be quite the ride!"

Charlie crawled on her mother's back and hold tightly onto her shoulders. She started flapping her wings and lifted off into the sky. The air rushed past Charlie's scales as the forest below him got smaller and smaller. Mother Charizard made a curve in the sky and headed in one direction. It was amazing how small the forest looked from her back. There was ocean all around Charlie. It appeared they were on an island. A wide volcano was visible with a large crater and lava spewing out of it. 

"Mama" asked Charlie. "What that tall brown thing with fire in it?"

"That is a volcano. Fire type Pokémon like me and you love to go there with others to relax in the lava (the fire.) You will get burning shock the first time you put your claws on there, but then it will feel nice, cozy and warm."

"Wow!" Gasped Charlie. "Can you take me there?!"

"How about I take you after your first day of school in the evening?"

"Yeah that would be very nice."  Replied Charlie.

The last time Charlie was in something warm and cozy was being in his egg. However, he doesn't remember that, so he never remember being in something warm and cozy before.

A huge clearing was visible in the distance with lots of colourful dots of different Pokémon. There were wooden buildings with leaves on the top which worker Pokémon such as Timburr tirelessly put up and lots of walls of stone to act as whiteboards to teach students.  Mother Charizard lowered herself down from the sky and landed on the ground of the clearing. She lowered her back and let his son crawl off.

"Have a good first day at school, Charlie!" Smiled his mother. "Mummy will be here to pick you up in the afternoon to take you to the volcano."

"Will dada be come too?" Charlie asked his mother.

"No, he's not a fire type, so he won't enjoy it." Said mother Charizard. "He won't be back until nighttime since he's battling for the whole day."

"Oh okay" said Charlie, a little disappointed.

"Bye little one!" Smiled his mother as she flew away.

Charlie watch her fly off into the distance as her speck disappeared.

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