Chapter 3: Charlie's first words!

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5 months had passed since Charlie's first visit to the neighbours, Flower, the Meganium and Leaf, the Chikorita. Charlie was now one year old. Charlie had grown a lot bigger and now the berries were much smaller compared to his body. Leaf visited Charlie with her mother very often and they became great friends.

It was noon and earlier this morning Charlie heard Leaf speak! She actually said "Chika" since every Pokémon around the forest speak Poketalk. However, to Charlie's surprise, the Poketalk word, "Chika" translated to the English word, "Mama" in his head. This was because Charlie is now a Pokémon and not a human. So far, Charlie had only managed to make chirping noises and not actually speak. He had been practicing all morning and all he can do is chirp.

"It's okay Charlie, Leaf is a bit older than you!" His mother would say as she stopped to watch Charlie chirp all morning.

Charlie was not discouraged and kept trying. Finally, after a while, Charlie's mother lifted him up into air and repeated, that she was his mama. She also started rocking him. Charlie thought really carefully, "Mama." But she was making roaring noises and Charlie couldn't make the same sounds because he was a different species of Pokémon.

"Mama" She repeated in her usual roaring noises. "Mama" she grunted.

Suddenly as if by instinct, Charlie started picking up his Poke talk for his species.

"Whatever that is!" Charlie thought.

"Ch" Charlie started saying. In English, it is the 'm' sound. "Ch, Ch, Ch"

"Wow, keep going!" Smiled Charlie's mother. "I'm mama!"

"Char" said Charlie instinctively. He had reached the "ma" sound.

"Char Char!" Charlie smiled at his mother. He finally did it! He said "Mama" in Poketalk to his mother!

Tears were falling out of Charlie's mother aqua eyes. She hugged Charlie softly, making sure she didn't suffocate him. Not that he would die from it, he would just faint, like other Pokémon who gets too hurt. She wouldn't want to take a trip to Nurse Comfrey to heal her son from his fainting condition like Flower did when she took Leaf urgently to the nurse to recover.

"I'm so proud of you, my son!" Said Charlie's mother tearfully as he lifted him to his face with her two clawed hands.

Charlie was now nearing his second birthday, and he learnt several new words such as "dada" "berry", "Pokemon", learnt how to call Leaf by her name and learn how to say his own name. His speech was slurred, and he cannot make full sentences like his parents can. Eventually, he can learn other words like "what", "I", "me," "the" and "you." One morning Charlie was questioning about his species of Pokémon and why he was different from his parents. His mother was up high in the air, returning from somewhere and dived down and landed on her two feet.

"Good morning, Charlie!" Said his mother.

"W...w...where dada" Charlie said, looking around.

"Out fighting." Said Charlie's mother. "Won't be back until he's all well from the nurse."

"W...w...what fight?" Asked Charlie.

"A game where one Pokémon lose and another win. The Pokémon then needs to get well with the nurse."

"W...w...what I?" Charlie asked his mother.

"You are a little Charmander, a fire Pokémon." Smiled Charlie's mother.

"What" Charlie asked.

"I am a Charizard, a fire and flying type." Grinned his mother. "One day you can be one!"

Then Charlie remembered his father's earthly appearance and very different appearance.

"W...w..what dada?" Charlie asked mother Charizard.

"He is a Garchomp, a ground and dragon type."

"C...c...can I one?" Charlie asked.

"No, you can only be Charizard." Said mother Charizard.

"W...w...why not." Charlie asked his mother.

"I'll explain when you are a bit older." Replied mother Charizard. "Why don't I take you to see Leaf?  I know you love playing with her!"

"Y...yes" said Charlie.

Mother Charizard put Charlie on her shoulder and took off into the forest, to see Flower and Leaf.

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