Chapter 13: The Championship Match in Paldea! - Part 2

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Charlie's heart thumped when he heard the commentator speak. The stadium was quiet right now, but the commentator's voice filled the air!

"Coming up is the World Champion, the strongest Pokémon in the world, Champion Altair, the Dragonite!" The commentator shouted.

An outline of a huge dragon Pokémon comes into focus from the hole in the stony plain walls. His eyes glinted in the darkness.

When he showed himself to the stadium, Charlie gasped. He was an orange dragon Pokémon with huge muscles! He had two antennae and slanted teal eyes with white scleras.

He let out a huge roar as he looked at the crowd and lifted up into the sky briefly and landed on the ground again with a thump!

The crowd started roaring much louder than the champion, in fact, as loud as a huge lion!

He waved his clawed arms in response to the Pokémon chanting his name.

"And the challenger and at the second place of the world championships rankings is coming up! The second strongest Pokémon in the world, the Dragon Master Draco! He's the top dragon and ground type Pokémon in the whole world, previously defeated the previous top dragon and top ground type.

A recognisable shape appeared in the darkness of the hole in the rocky walls! He filled the stadium with his earthy scents.

Draco the Garchomp has come out of the hole! He looked nervous.

"Dad!" Cheered Charlie.

He walked to the end of the battlefield, eyes locked on the champion Dragonite. Altair let out of a roar and father Garchomp roared back, but quieter than the champion.

A large quadrupedal brown newt Pokemon came out of the third hole in the stadium. She had a red flag and a green flag in both of her front legs  and had large dots as eyes. She walked up to the side of the battlefield and spoke.

"I, Tierra the Clodsire will be the referee! This battle will be over when one of the Pokemon is unable to battle. Mega evolution, Terrastalizing and Z moves are permitted in this battle!"

"This battle will start very soon!"shouted the commentator,

Both Pokémon paced themselves.

"In three, two, one, BATTLE START" He yelled.

Immediately, father Garchomp touched his claw on the jewel on his necklace.

"I, Draco the Garchomp will mega evolve to take down the mighty dragon Pokemon!" He said calmly. As he took a deep breath, lights sparked out of his body and started glowing!

"Is my father evolving?! I thought he is fully evolved!" Thought Charlie in shock.

To Charlie's confusion, Altair, the champion not looked one bit surprised. He must of expected this to happen!

At last the glowing disappeared and a dragon Pokemon with huge blades on his arms, spikes on his belly and arms appeared.

"Is this my father?!"

"I knew you would do that!" Smirked Altair the champion. He touched his clawed hands to chest. But Charlie was very confused because he had no necklace.

"Draco the Garchomp immediately mega evolve into Mega Garchomp for more power against the champion!" Shouted the comentator!

"I, Altair the Dragonite, the world champion, will terrastalize into the mighty ice type, to beat the dragon and ground typed challenger!"

The champion then disappeared and very large giant icy blue crystals poked out of the ground!  He remerged from the icy crystals. However, he was covered in light blue crystals and had a large ornament of a snowflake on top of his head.

I Woke up as a Charmander!Where stories live. Discover now