Chapter 5: First Day of Pokemon School Part 2

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The Bronzong bell rung and Charlie, Lucas and Lupus all headed off to PE class. It was a huge clearing to the south of the school and there was a battlefield, marked by lanes of no grass. There was two teachers there and Charlie recognised one of them.

Mr Birch the Sceptile was there, looking at the students with his bright yellow eyes, contently. There was also a Pokémon that Charlie had never seen before. It was a tall owl Pokémon with a dark green hood, hiding his face. He had red leaves as a bow, large tan wings and a white body and talons. On the top of his hood, he had a large white feather.

"Hello children!" Beamed Mr Birch "Let me introduce Mr Robin, the Decidueye."

"...Hello Mr Robin." Said the class shakily. There was something ominous about his face under the hood.

"Now, you probably learnt about Pokémon moves from Mrs Fox the Delphox. I am a grass and ghost type...."

All the students, except for Jack the Squirtle and Nelson the Sandile gasped and looked at Mr Robin with terror.

Mr Robin chuckled and muttered something like "typical students!"

"Now, now everyone, I know ghost types seem scary but most of them are actually really nice. Even though we seem spooky, there is no need to be afraid of us!" Said Mr Robin, chuckling.

A few of the students looked at each other, confused and muttering something to each other.

"As a grass and ghost type." Mr Robin continued, "I can use grass types moves like Leaf Blade and ghost type moves like Spirit Shackle. I can also use other move types, like Sucker punch, which is a dark type move."

"I am a pure grass type." Said Mr Birch "So I can use moves like Leaf Blade. I can also use moves that are not my type, like Brick Break which is a fighting type move."

"Cool!" Whispered Sparky, the Pikachu.

"Now, everyone, let us demonstrate Pokémon battling. We won't fight to the end but we will use a couple of moves."

Mr Birch, the Sceptile ran to one end of the battlefield, while Mr Robin flew to the other end. All of the children excitedly ran to the side of the battlefield to watch. Charlie watched them with a close eye. They nodded as they were ready to battle.

"I use Leaf Blade." Said Sceptile, as he waved one of his arms.

One of his leaves, extending out of his arms glowed a bright vivid green. He leapt from the ground and tried slashing with his leaf blade at Mr Robin. However, Mr Robin dodged the attack and flew behind Mr Birch silently and kick Mr Birch with his powerful talons. Mr Birch grunted with pain and staggered before standing up properly again.

"I use Spirit Shackle" said Mr Robin as he summoned a bow with vines as strings as a weapon.

He then aimed with his bow and fired a dart straight at Mr Birch's chest. It hit directly where he wanted it to hit and Mr Birch roared, where a sharp pain hit his chest. Mr Robin's bow disappeared and he paced himself for the next attack. Mr Birch pulled the dart out of his chest and he waved his arms. One of his arms started glowing white and he leapt up into the sky and aimed at Mr Robin. However, the attack phased through the ghost type Pokémon and he slammed his arm onto the ground instead. He roared out in pain.

Several students gasped and shivered with fear.

"So spooky, Lily!" Gasped Leonis, the Litleo.

"I know, right?!" Said a small blue mouse Pokémon who was standing on her tail, which was spherical. She was an Azurill.

"I don't think we trust ghost types!" Hissed a dark hound Pokémon with a skull on his head. He was a Houndoor.

"Hey, Rufus, I don't trust Cunningfang students like you!" Lily hissed at Rufus. "I'm Loyalheart and they are more respect than Cunningfang children."

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