Go away Khadeen

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After this mornings session I decided to let Devale sleep in while I got up to start the day. After sonny went potty I fed him some waffles and apple slices.to hold him over.

Mimi got home at 9:30 just as Devale was waking up. We had breakfast as a family while Devale gave her some last minute tips to kills her audition.

After breakfast I took Mimi to get her nails done. Devale called Cass (Duece) babysitter to come watch him for the afternoon while he went grocery shopping and to do some car maintenance.

Of course I stopped at Target after our nail appointment to get whatever Target told me I needed for the day.

Amira came running up to me in the home decor isle saying she think just just saw Khadeen. I told her I can guarantee she didn't but to show me. Whoever it was was gone before Amira could see for sure.

I decided to stay home so she wouldn't be too nervous. It was also the perfect time to take a pregnancy test uninterrupted. I called my cousin over to keep me company and to clarify Khadeens whereabouts.

Madam: What did it say?

Crystal: It's negative, thank God.

Madam: Good, don't nobody want to be at a sober wedding. Especially the damn bride.

Crystal: That part. So my baby said she saw Khadeen today. Did you make it clear to her that if she shows up anywhere near Amira that there will be conquences.

Madam: She knows. You should've just let me kill her. Amira don't care nothing about that lady. She told me that out her own mouth.

Crystal: She might later in life. Honestly she lucky she got that baby because that's the real reason I didn't give the go ahead.

Madam: It's not too late.

Crystal: Nan, she safe as long as she stay away from my kid.

I made my family lemon chicken ricotta for lunch. It's one of Amiras favorite meals. I knew when she walked in with a champs bag that she killed the audition.

Crystal: How did you do, and did you have fun?

Mimi: Mommy I did fantastic, I nailed it. I wasn't nervous at all!

Crystal: That's my girl.

Mimi: Ma can I please eat in my room while I play my game...pleaseeee.

Crystal: Yeah, but don't make it a habit.

Mimi: Ok

Devale: Baby I was so proud of her today, she really has "it".

Crystal: She truly does. I hope she picks a different career choice but if she sticks with this one she will go far.

Devale: Were you able to get any studying done?

Crystal:Not yet, I was catching up with my cousin. I took a pregnancy test. It was negative, thank God.

Devale: Why you say it like that?

Crystal: Because a baby is the last thing we need right now.

Devale: What if it would have been positive?

Crystal: Then it would've been positive and we would be having another one. HOWEVER, I'm still grateful it was negative.

Devale: Long as you know.

Crystal: Yeah yeah. Anyway I made a workout schedule and a study schedule for season 9.

Devale: Coordinate your schedule to my calendar. I'll work out and study with you. We can stay in Zac and Fatima characters the entire time we workout and study.

Crystal: Cool, thanks babe.

Crystal: Girl why are you running in my kitchen?

Mimi: My bad, I had to pause my game to run in here. I wanted some more ricotta. Can you make me another plate?

Crystal: Yeah, I'll bring it to you.

Devale: She could've made her own plate, she's too spoiled.

Crystal: Don't your plates get made?

Devale: Yes but I'm the man of the house.

Crystal: Doesn't Sonny boy get his plate made?

Devale: He's a baby.

Crystal: So because she isn't the head of the house or the baby, she should be the only person to have to fix her plate? Yeah, she can do it herself, and just like you often she does but sometimes little things for teenagers mean a lot.

Devale: I didn't see it like that. She still spoiled.

Crystal: And is!

I went to take her another plate with a fresh glass of kool-aid. I sat and watched her kill bad guys and holler at the screen while reloading her clip. These games are so violent but I digress.

I noticed her iPad light up, she saw the screen flash but kept playing the game. It's buzzed again. I found it odd since Amira has a cellphone so who would be texting her tablet that she barely uses.

She was going in between stuffing her face and killing people popping out at her to care who was on the iPad.

Crystal: Who you ignoring, I know you hear your ipad buzzing. Is it some boy,

Mimi: Nope, it's Khadeen.

Crystal: What? We back to this shit, what is she saying?

Mimi: Don't know, don't care. I only know it her because I texted her from my iPad to see if that was her  I saw in Target this morning.  I just text her before I start playing the game. You can look for yourself.

Crystal: Oh I planned too.

Amira: Was that you in Target today?

Khadeen: Yes.

Khadeen: I was in a rush.

Khadeen: You got so big.

Crystal: It was her.

Mimi: Cool, can you reblock her and turn my iPad off?

Crystal: You sure?

Mimi: I'm positive oh and mommy, can you send Madam to keep her away from me for a little while longer?

Crystal: Girl what?

Madam: I know all about it mommy, Madam told me months ago after you and daddy kept talking in circles I asked her. You know her rule about telling kids the truth.

Crystal: I can't with you girl.

Mimi: I mean right now she isn't a threat but if she starts meddling in my life I won't like that.

Crystal: No more sleep overs with Madam for you.

Mimi: Hey you're the one who made me a Hayslett. I'm just enjoying my birth right.

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