𝐈𝐗. demon pigeons attack

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demon pigeons attack


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    THE NEXT FEW DAYS OF CAMP WERE . . . something. Tensions were high as ever since Chiron left, and Tantalus took charge. Because of that drama, Annabeth suggested that joining the chariot race would be a nice break.

   Chariot races weren't really Scarlett's thing. She didn't really feel like racing, despite the countless nagging Annabeth and Percy did. Eventually, Annabeth and Percy decided to just pair up together, and let Scarlett hang out with them. Athena created chariots, while Poseidon created horses, so they were pretty confident they'd win. However, the one time Scarlett wasn't with them, they got into an argument, breaking off that partnership. Flash forward a day later, Percy partnered up with Tyson.

Scarlett didn't really get to see much of Percy or Annabeth after that. Whenever she did, they were always in a cranky mood. Like annoying little kids, they refused to speak to each other.

While walking around camp, one day, she spotted Tyson sitting on a bench alone, looking disappointed. Not everyone was thrilled about him being at camp, and never failed to show it. That made Scarlett annoyed, since Tyson never even did anything bad. She understood that people were still adjusting, but they did not have to go out of their way and bully him. Besides Percy, Charles Beckendorf was the one who didn't have a problem with him. He was used to being with cyclops in his forge, and let Tyson help build stuff.

When Tyson saw Scarlett, his face brightened. "Scarlett!" he yelled happily. Some campers turned to give them weird looks, but Scarlett ignored them. She noticed a slight frown cross his face.

"Hey Tyson," Scarlett greeted him kindly. "You alright?"

"I don't think anyone likes me here," Tyson said sadly.

"That's not true, Tyson," Scarlett shook her head. "They just . . . aren't used to you yet."

"Yes it is." Tyson buried his face in his hands. "No one wants to be my friend. They think I'll hurt them. I'm a monster." he sobbed.

Scarlett frowned. Maybe at first, he was oblivious to everyone's remarks about him, but now even he could tell it wasn't right. Tyson was the exact opposite of how she thought cyclops acted. He was so sweet, so innocent. Scarlett was never good at the whole comforting thing—and was still a little uncomfortable with people crying—but she tried her best. Never once did she ever think she'd have to comfort a cyclops.

  "Look," Scarlett said gently, sitting down beside him. "I know it doesn't seem like it now, but eventually more people will see how great you are. And if they don't—they're a bunch of idiots."

𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄, p. jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now