𝐕𝐈. this is why we can't have nice things

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this is why we can't have nice things

  ANNABETH AND SCARLETT BOTH volunteered to investigate, since they could both turn invisible

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  ANNABETH AND SCARLETT BOTH volunteered to investigate, since they could both turn invisible. Percy convinced them it was too dangerous; either they all went together, or nobody was going at all.

"Nobody!" Tyson voted. "Please?"

But he came along anyway, nervously chewing on his fingernails. The group made a stop at their cabin first, gathering all their stuff. They figured whatever happened, they would not be staying another night on this zombie cruise ship. Tyson insisted on carrying everything, despite Percy's protests. He carried four full duffel bags over his shoulder as easy as any of them could carry a backpack.

They sneaked through the corridors, following the ship's YOU ARE HERE signs toward the admiralty suite. Annabeth scouted ahead invisibly. Scarlett would've joined, but Annabeth told her to save her power. They hid whenever someone passed by, but most of the people were just glassy-eyed zombie passengers.

As they came up the stairs to deck thirteen, where the admiralty suite was supposed to be, Annabeth hissed, "Hide!" and shoved them into a supply closet.

A couple of guys came down the hall.

"You see that Aethiopian drakon in the cargo hold?" One of them asked.

The other laughed. "Yeah, it's awesome."

Scarlett froze, recognizing the sound of that voice. Annabeth was still invisible, but Scarlett felt her squeeze her arm tight. Scarlett glanced at Percy, who wore the same shocked expression.

"hear they got two more coming," the familiar voice said. "They keep arriving at this rate, oh, man—no contest!"

The voices faded down the corridor. Annabeth took off her cap.

"Tha-that was Chris, wasn't it?" Percy spoke, his voice barely audible. "Chris Rodriguez."

"No wonder he wasn't at camp this," Scarlett murmured. She had been wondering why Chris hasn't shown up yet.

  When Scarlett and Chris met, they were both unclaimed kids in cabin eleven. Flash forward to years later, Scarlett got claimed by a minor goddess, still staying in the cabin, while Chris remained undetermined. They didn't have the closest relationship, but they were on good terms. Chris was kind to her, never once judging her. Scarlett never imagined he'd join Kronos.

  "What's another half-blood doing here?" Percy questioned.

  Annabeth shook her head, unable to answer.
They kept going down the corridor. Scarlett didn't need a map to know they were getting close to Luke. She could sense something cold and unpleasant—the presence of evil.

  "Guys." Annabeth stopped abruptly. "Look."

  She stood in front of a glass wall, looking down at the multistory canyon that went through the middle of the ship. At the bottom was the Promenade, but that's not what had caught Annabeth's attention.

𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄, p. jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now