Out Of The Dark into The Light

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I'm sitting in my extension watching telly on my sabbatical and I have advertisements popping up for Meghan and Harry's tell all with Oprah Winfrey. I thought to myself this isn't good. It was only a year ago I was putting through newspapers through my till about them leaving the UK because they want a life of peace and happiness to be left to their own device's and there was a picture of our Queen waving them off sad to see them going. I thought about the consequences to their actions by doing this as I was doing my housework because their safety would be jeopardized surly?
And there would be more press, more attention and possibly I decided as I put the toaster away, break ins from the public to their private property because all of us are usually interested in public figures but when there are others who would reach a new level of passion then they think nothing of going onto someone else's land or property and go above and beyond to break social rules and especially because Harry and Meghan both had a son who they'd have to now worry to protect.
I also realised very quickly that by the two of them doing this they would still be up for public scrutiny because there would be psychological and analytical people looking at the both of them trying to figure them clinically out and if perhaps Meghan rubbed her nose two to three times somewhere someone would say because of that its obvious she's lying. Or because if she touched her arm and didn't move her hand someone could point out Meghan was trying to use her own contact as a way to comfort herself and then it would be suggested it's because of her guilt that she was uncomfortable - in many ways I realised the world would take them down and distort the image of two people who desperately wanted a normal life because they've seen how destructive public scrutiny is so I really didn't think this tell all with Opera Winfrey was going to be good - at all. Maybe they had poor insight and didn't see how things would go destructive. Without someone looking at things objectively I told myself most of their decisions will backfire. Everyone in the palace would be briefed on what to do how to handle Harry and Meghan but without a strong head looking at things from all angles there was more chance of them loosing this battle.
For now, in many ways I was curious about this tell all even though I disagreed with their choice I still wanted to watch it. I didn't get the chance to on normal telly because the telly in the extension didn't hook up the regular channels but I found it the day after it came out so sitting down in my chair with a cup of tea I began to watch it on ITV of all channels. I always try watching things with an open mind because I do think how can I get an objective opinion on something if I'm entering into it already blacklisting someone because I'm going to want to look for anything to suggest someone is no good. I knew all the loose women panel will have an opinion on this, so will Piers Morgan and I wanted to be able to talk about it on my own YouTube platform.
To me, I saw Meghan Markle genuinely upset and angry which was why I felt she was authentic to her emotions. I don't know why but I felt their accounts of the truth maybe the truth because it's always generally the scape goats of the family who speak out and tell the world their truth because of having to life live by a set of rules. Perhaps it was the physiological stand point I was taking because I'd watched a lot of Narcissistic abuse videos and different things that psychologicalists have said about what goes on in a family. Anyway I saw no reason to question Harry and Meghan's perspective because these were very real answers from two people who have lived within the institution and I felt would know because before it's speculation and rumours about what went on behind closed doors and now they are publicly coming out and saying that.

On another note it was because of my curious interest in Meghan I started watching Suits because Andy said do you know she's an actress who stars in suits?
So, I'd also sit this time in my living room with a strawberry cornetto and watch the series unfold and I got hooked, for a while. I liked Harvey and I always remembered his words especially when things both Meghan and Harry said got disproven...

"If you choose to lie right now you'd better stick with what you say. If people give you stick you better take it. When there's changing accounts why should anyone believe you? It makes people lose any credibility for you as a responsible source of information but right now if you did it, come clean and I can help fight your case."

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