The Rumour

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I was so excited for high school. I was going to be in year 13 and I was thirteen myself now. I was told by either my Nan or someone very close to me Mom was making the drive over here everyday because in her mind I would be near my friends from the previous two schools.
I'm not sure if I should have been grateful for it or not just because no one would have known me at our local school because we'd moved to another location and with no one knowing me at that school, the kids could have thought I was cool because the people who knew me did not deem me cool enough. Anyway I still had good hopes for this High School and the one thing that confused me a little was how to get to each lesson because of how many stairs this school had. There were about four classes on the ground floor, one that taught Set 3 for both History and RE (which originally I was assigned help in,) this class of which was close to the school reception if I carried further down the corridor and it would also lead to the Deputy and Head Mistress's office.

Then past all of that on the far left as you would come in through the visitors entrance was our assembly hall and if you came out of assembly and straight away turned left you would be on your way to the music block which was actually just a few steps away from the back of the main entrance.

Then, there was Set 3 for French, which was the next room along from (Set 3 RE and History lessons) and this class was actually a very big classroom with a lot of tables and a massive chalkboard over the wall and this room had a border running throughout the top of the wall with either french words or numbers on.

Way over on the opposite side of the building were set 14 benches so older students could hang around there at break times and then over to the left past our double doors (which were purposely widened by teachers for our lunches) were some school lockers right before three classrooms that were incredibly close to each other.
I think the first door on the left may have been a lower set for science and then straight opposite that door was another French room and this was for set 2, and behind that room it was a detention room (I call it that because I managed to get detention once quite possibly in my first year before it was up) I think it may have been another science room judging by the look of all the desks and the layout of the room but all the other lessons including my first year teacher form room were up stairs!

I had to get my bearings in this school and find out what was what and sharpish because there were two lots of stairs one by the main entrance all students walked in which wasn't far from the visitors entrance and another set of stairs which were past the year 14 toilets and different teachers taught different things in certain classrooms. For example my form teacher also taught me Geography so it was the Geography rooms up there and often had drawings or writings of students work on the boards separating two different classes but there was another building entirely for the science block and the art block as well as cooking lessons. So we all scattered throughout the school finding where we were supposed to be which meant I had to look at my time table and understand which part of the school I had to get to next. In hindsight once I knew where classes were and held and I went there more than once, through repetition it was so much easier but to me as a child the school looked huge. Our assembly hall looked huge too. It looked like you could sit the five thousand, (it probably didn't) but that's how it looked to me. I looked at a few boys moving around in our hall to find their seats and thought...

"I never know I might find a nice boy here and I could be looking at him right now."

I was starting to look for love now. I didn't want to mess or fool around because I knew what I wanted - a serious relationship with someone special. In a very early lesson I had all the way over to the science block right at the bottom (so I didn't go up the stairs) I had a very unusual type of lesson where the teacher asked me to write what type of person I would like to date and after making the list I thought perhaps I was too picky either that or I did have high standards for myself.
I wrote I wanted to date someone taller than me, to have dark hair with a nice smile and great teeth but no tattoos, he shouldn't smoke, no swearing but just a respectable decent guy with morals and standards like for example great table manners, who showed respect for others including the elderly and able to have great conversations with my family. Equally, I was asked to write the type of guy who I would not date so I gave it some thought because the guy would have to at least be attractive to me and there were a lot of attractive guys about so I wrote what would turn me off and whereas others wrote bad breath, b.o and unkempt appearance mine was completely different. I wrote I wouldn't date (not that I wouldn't be nice to or befriend) but that I wouldn't date someone who had pimples all over his face, very much overweight with ginger hair and big thick glasses. I think the teacher was shocked at my description, but I was asked for my honest answer.

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