The beginning

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Its dark, What was I doing again. I wonder all I'm surrounded by darkness.

I hear muttering around me but I don't recognise the voices until I hear myself Clearly

"You have to save them, we have to save them all" There is pain in the voice, why am I in pain? "Save who?" I question confused about everything like there is a fog in my head.

"No matter how many times it takes we will save them all" I hear her as her voice fades and the muttering is back

"Who are we saving I don't understand?!" but she is gone as I start to hear other voices calling to me




I Confused about where I am and what just happened

"Latoya were you listening?" My current principle is looking

"Yeah yeah you want to transfer me to Japan because there is a high demand of sorcerers there am I correct?" I say to the Principle

"Yes we want you at our Jujutsu college in Tokyo, where you will get more missions than here because of the demand in Tokyo" Yaga the teacher from Tokyo college informs me 

I look away thinking deeply 

What just happened then? Its all so blurry, I decide to ignore it and think about the matter at hand.

"I'm not sure If I want to transfer over to be honest, moving away for 3 years to live at a secluded School doesn't really interest me" I look away feeling uncomfortable with this topic, who would want to move away from there friends and family to a more deadly country, although it may be good to get away from him.

"Hmm" The teacher Yaga is thinking

"How about We have you join our third years at the start of April, if you do well we can early pass you so you can fly to and from England and Japan or wherever your missions may be at free will as you will not be restricted by any school rules or timetable" Yaga Suggests seeming desperate 

I think for a moment, it is a very good offer I will have a lot more freedom than I do now after next year plus I will have more opportunity's to make more money.

"Ok I accept I will attend Tokyo jujutsu college" 

Both my current Principle and Yaga look happy and relived 

"But may I ask why you want me to transfer over anyone else here in my current school?" I ask with curiosity, I'm sure I have hidden most my power like he said, I worry. Well who cares anymore I don't care about what he wants or thinks but I'm not sure why he told be to hide most my power all them years ago.

They look at each other with an unsure gaze 

"Out of all my students I think you have the most protentional, and your gift will come in handy for the Work you will do over there"

He is hiding something but I decide not to push.

Yaga stands up so we all stand and I go to shake his hand goodbye "I look forward to seeing you In April, I'll make sure to sort out all your travel out and make sure your room and uniform is all prepared for your arrival.

I nod and step away as my principle goes over to shake his hand also "Yes perfect and Ill make sure to send off all her paperwork off.

When he exits I leave the office to go Inform my friends of the news of my transfer. I am sad to leave them but also exited at this opportunity and it will only be for a year

If only I knew

if only I knew

Maybe I could of stayed and been happy

Deception Sukuna x Oc x GojoWhere stories live. Discover now