Dorm invasion??

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The rest of class was uninventable, I spent the entire class in silence not wanting to speak to anyone after such a bad introduction. Apparently though there is another classmate I have yet to meet but isn't back until next week as they are away on some kind of punishment of some sorts .

 After the class was over I had the rest of the day to myself so I headed to the school gym to get some light training done, after training I go to my dorm and change into some comfy clothes to chill for the rest of the evening. I decide to cook a batch of Spaghetti Bolognese before I join a call with my friends. At the moment it is 5pm here meaning its 1am for my friends back at home so knowing my friends I have until 7pm to join the call.

I start cooking in my small kitchen that is in the entrance of my dorm. the kitchen is small but cosy as it has a microwave, a kettle, a air fryer, a small fridge and a portable stove. I went overboard on cooking appliances knowing I need good food to last me the year and I don't want to get in anyone's way in the communal kitchen.

When I am nearly finished I go to strain the spaghetti but realise I forgot to buy a pasta strainer, I contemplate struggling to get the water out or borrowing one from the kitchen and decide for the later.

I head to the kitchen and peek in seeing no one is in it at the moment and go to search for the pasta strainer. When I am crouched down in a cabinet too concentrated to hear someone enter the kitchen and stand behind me.

"Boo" Gojo whispers in my ear scaring the daylight out of me I jump up and whack my head on the counter.

"What the fuck in wrong with you?" I groan out in pain as I open my eyes to see Gojo Laughing his head off with tears in his eyes.

"How can a sorcerer be so unaware of her surroundings, shouldn't you have been able to sense my presence?" He wheezes out recovering from his laughing fit"

I glare at him as I grab the strainer and walk off from him heading to my dorm.

That bastard 

When I reach my dorm I enter and I'm about to close the door behind me but Gojo stops the door before it can close.

"Locking me out? That's not very welcoming now is it?

"More welcoming than humiliating someone when they try and introduce themselves" I stare blankly at him 

"Aww common now it was just a joke" He says mockingly as he opens the door and enters my dorm

"Ha ha ha I cant believe I never realised it was a joke, what a funny joke, its so funny I may just cry" I say my voice dripping with sarcasm as I close the door behind him

He seems to ignore me as he walks over to my food "This looks gooood can I have some?"

Before I can get a word out he is helping himself to the food

"yeah yeah just go ahead and help yourself" I roll my eyes

"Thankyou" he says gleefully but in a mocking tone

God he sure knows how to piss someone off

Its like no one has never said no to him like how can someone be so self-centred and so unaware of  the people around him

I watch as he walks over to my bed and sits on it putting his feet up on my covers just making himself right at home.

My eye twitches.

"Hmm your Dorm is nice and cosy unlike the others" He looks around as he stuffs his face

"Yeah well just don't mess it up, so that means no spilling food the last thing i need is stains on my new stuff" I nag as I watch him eat without a care

As I watch him my eyes are drawn to his bright blue eyes that peek over his round black glasses, then his hair that is fluffy and the brightest white I have seen in any hair colour. His tall lean frame that's lay on my bed looks so elegant somehow.

Why did god give someone with such good looks such an annoying personality? 

"Seeing something you like?" He says in an amused tone

See that right there, Annoying

Before I reply I hear a knocking on my door.

I go over and open it to see Geto and Shoko at the door, they are with two other people I haven't met before.

One of them has deep Brown hair that falls over his forehead with dark brown eyes that are big and friendly. The guy next to him has blond hair that falls to the side of his face, his eyes are hazel, he looks like he doesn't want to be here.

"Is Satoru here?" Geto asks in a calm voice peeking his head into my dorm. He seems like the most sensible one of my classmates.

"Heyyy Suguru" Gojo says as he comes up behind me and places a hand on my shoulder leaning in.

Too close

"You should all come here and try some of this" Suddenly he pulls on my arm welcoming his friends into my dorm like its his and everyone follows in.

Flustered I brush his hand off my arm off me and step back into my bedroom feeling crowded in the small kitchen space with unfamiliar people.

"Hello my name is Yu Haibara a second year" the brown hair one grabs my hand and shakes it enthusiastically "And this here is the other second year and my best friend Kento Nanami" he gestures to the blond guy next to him. He leans closer to me and whispers " He is very shy so don't worry about how stiff he acts" 

"Stop talking nonsense" Nanami pulls him back and rolls his eyes seeming annoyed 

"I am Latoya Cabot, You can call me Latoya" I smile at them wanting to make a better impression than this morning

"Well Latoya you will find out quickly that all the people here have no sense for personal space and are some of the most annoying people you will meet especially Gojo" Nanami informs me

I giggle at his words finding it funny how he outrightly insults them even though I can tell he is close to them all reminding me of me and my friends 

"Yes I have realised that already, at least its not just me who was thinking that"

"What are you all talking about?" Gojo appears suddenly putting his arms over Nanami who clearly got annoyed by this action, Gojo's eyes staring right into mine.

Geto walks over with two plates of the food I made and hands it to Haibara and Nanami.

yep just go ahead and help yourselves  

I go into the kitchen to get myself some food but look into the pots to see there is non left, I just stare into the empty pots feeling the last of my energy leave my body.

Oh well ill have to make some instant noodles when they leave

They probably thought I had already had my portion knowing they wouldn't take it all otherwise.

I go back into my bedroom to see them all sat around eating except Gojo who already Finished his who seems to be staring at me with a straight expression

What does he want?   

I walk over to sit at my desk seeing as Gojo, Geto and Haibara are sat on my bed while Nanami and Shoko are at my mini coffee table.

I open my phone to text my friends that I wont be able to call tonight as its already 6.10pm and they probably wont be gone soon. A tightness fills my chest knowing it will probably be a while before I can properly talk to them as the time zones make it hard. It makes me feel so alone to be isolated In a country when I know all my loved ones are so far away while I am stuck here with strangers who are already all close to each other.


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