Don't leave me

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Its the afternoon and everyone is at training.

"Hey is Latoya late? That's not like her" Nanami says sparing with Haibara.

Gojo stays silent, Geto sit down to check his phone.

"Let me check if she has messaged"

"Wait I have missed calls by Leah and Sophie" he mumbles

Geto rings Sophie, he waits until she picks up.

"Hello Sophie you called?"

"Hey, I'm just wondering if Latoya is ok? she hasn't been answering her calls or texts. Her phone seems to be off because it doesn't ring at all" Sophie sounds worried over the phone.

"We haven't seen her yet since the party"

"What do you mean you haven't seen her yet?" Sophies voice raises.

"We are here at school and she is not with us, She hasn't even turned up to training I was just about to message her"

"And you didn't think to check on her, see if she made it back safe its been nearly 2 days" Sophie shouts down the phone, Geto flinches and holds the phone away from his ears.

"We cant enter the school without Latoya so we trusted her with you yet you haven't even been worried that you haven't seen her at all since the party are you joking?" Sophie sounds angry

"Ok calm down were going to look for her now" Geto sighs and hangs up, He stands up and puts his phone in his pocket.

"Guys we need to go check on Latoya" Geto starts to walk towards the dorms, Gojo and Nanami follow.

"Wait for me! Haibara shouts dragging Shoko with him who was smoking.

They walk up the stairs heading for Latoya's room.

Latoya's room is at the end of the hallway, when they get to there room they notice a smell coming from it.

"What is that smell?" Shoko wrinkles her nose "Smells like vomit" She covers her nose.

"Somethings wrong" Geto opens the door, His face turns in disbelief as he rushes into the room.

The sight they see makes them want to throw up, splatters of blood are on the floor in the sink and toilet and all on Latoya's bed along with sick. Amongst it is Latoya on the bed in her underwear with her blood on her unconscious Body.

"Oh my god" Shoko gasps.

Gojo rushes over and shakes her, Her body is limp in his hold.

"Latoya, Latoya" He leans down his head to her chest then stand back up. He puts a hand on her forehead his eyes scanning her lifeless form.

"She is barley breathing" His voice cracks.

Shoko runs over using her cursed technique to keep her alive and try healing her, even if she doesn't know what has caused this state.

"we need to get her to the infirmary"

"What happened? Who did this" Nanami looks around the room in disgust. 

"My guess is she was poisoned" Gojo grits his teeth looking around the room "The Question is if it is poison what poison is it"

"I will need to see what poison it is when we get to the infirmary" Shoko explains

"How will you do that?" Haibara asks a frown on his usually cheery face.

"Blood and urine samples for the most part"

"Come on we need to move her" Geto picks up Latoya.

They rush down the hallways to the infirmary building into one of the rooms.

Deception Sukuna x Oc x GojoWhere stories live. Discover now