Late night chatting

90 3 18

We are all sat around in my dorm, Chatting and having laughs. I have been mainly listening feeling overwhelmed in a large group of such strong characters.

"So Latoya your from England right?" Haibara turns towards me and asks

"Huh oh yeah" I say awkwardly caught off guard 

"That's cool so why did you transfer here its very far away from England?" Haibara askes eyes full of curiosity 

"Oh well I was asked if I could transfer here because of the high demand here"

"So what's your technique? Must be unique if they are going to transfer you here" Nanami pitches up

Well doesn't he get right to the point.

"My technique I guess could be classed as unique as its an elemental based technique"

"Oooo elemental what elements can you use?" Haibara askes 

"well I-" I go to speak until I get interrupted

"she claims that she can use all of them" Gojo pitches up

"what the hell do you mean by claim?" What the fuck is he on now? 

"Exactly what I said I mean can you reallyyyyy use all elements, anyone with an element based technique usually has one so its hard to believe you have all" 

My eye twitches at his comment. Keep calm he is trying to annoy you 

"Well you can believe it or not I don't care I have no reason to lie" I say calmly 

"Why don't you show us something" Haibara pitches in unfazed by the tension 

Show them something? What can I do this is really embarrassing

 I sigh "Well what would you like to see, I cant do much inside the room but I can show you a little"

They all stay silent thinking 

"Ok look at that plant over there" I tell them as I point to the plant on the coffee table 

I look directly at the plant and use my cursed technique to make it grow from the little sprout it was to a fully blooming plant

"Hmm that's interesting you didn't even have to touch the plant" Geto gets up from the bed to touch the plant inspecting it

I nod as they all look at the plant

As someone leans over they knock into a drink that starts to fall of the coffee table. Luckily I was watching and managed to stop the glass falling with Telekinesis and control the liquid that had fallen out with my water element as they both are floating in mid air. They all turn to look at the glass and  liquid.

"Oh wow how are you doing that you are making it float?"

"Using my Air technique I am using Telekinesis to keep the cup afloat while using my water technique to make the drink Liquid float" I explain to them

"So what your suggesting is that with your elements you also have smaller element powers that branch from the main one?" Geto asks

I nod "Yes, the main elements are Water, Fire, Light, Dark, Air and Earth  and each one has powers that branch from them that are harder to use than the main element, I learned telekinesis at the beginning of the year"

They are all silent taking the information in as they go to sit back down

"Well no offence but how is keeping a cup afloat and growing plants going to help you fight curses?" Gojo says with a grin on his face

Deception Sukuna x Oc x GojoWhere stories live. Discover now