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When training was finished I walk back to my dorm room being very wary of my surroundings.

When I enter my room I close the door and lock it and flop onto my bed. Tears start rolling down my eyes onto the sheets

"Shit!" I shout and grab my pillow throwing it like some child

I stare at the pillow on the floor my face wet with constant flowing tears with a look of rage on my face.

"God I'm fucking screwed" I mutter wiping the tears away. I sit there for a long moment then decide to have a shower to calm myself down because all good ideas come from the shower. When I finish the shower I feel a bit more calm and collected as I walk over to my phone to see Gojo has texted me

"Hey can I come over to have some of your instant noodles? ;)"

I roll my eyes smiling, this might be a good idea to distract me from my thoughts

"Hmmm well I don't see why not" I message him back and I put my phone down onto my desk

I hear a knock on my door

Wow he is already here?

I walk over to open the door "Geeze that was quick thought you-" then I look out the door I see not Gojo but Akuji.


I quickly go to close the door but he manages to stop with his arm and pushes it open

"Not so fast" he walks in and closes the door behind him.

"Get out" I glare at him taking a step back

"No" he smirks and walks pass me grabbing my wrist as he walks to drag me into the main room

He looks around and smirks

I yank my wrist away holding it to myself as he looks down at me.

"Why don't you sit down" He tells me, when I don't move he walks towards me making me step back until I trip onto my desk chair.

He pulls the chair with me in it towards the bed, he sits down on the bed and twirls the chair to face him.

"what the hell do you think your doing?" I go to move the chair back but he leans in one arm on each armrest trapping me close to him

"I think we have some catching up to do don't you?" he smiles looking right into my eyes.

When I look up into his eyes it reminds me of everything we used to be.

He moves his hand to move a wet strand of hair from my face and moves closer to my ear.

"We used to be so close, why did you leave me" he whispers softly in my ear.

We did use to be close, so close it hurts. 

♥  ♥  ♥

The year 2005

I was 7 when I first Talked to Akuji, he didn't attend our school often, only when visiting his Mother in England. From what I had heard his farther was Japanese and his mother was English and it was an arranged marriage that ended when he was young. I didn't even understand the concept of arrange marriage back then but I always felt sorry for him. He wasn't necessarily all alone but he always seemed distant and lonely. 

One day I was in the corner of the field messing with my cursed technique on the plants. I never told anyone about my powers, not growing up knowing about cursed energy made me too scared to tell anyone as my family wasn't sorcerers and the one time I showed my Mother the cursed flame in my hand she clapped like I was putting on a play. She couldn't see it. No one could.

Deception Sukuna x Oc x GojoWhere stories live. Discover now