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The next day I wake up to get ready for training.

"Ugh my whole body is killing me" I grumble to myself 

I get dressed and head to the training room. When I walk in Gojo is already there.

"Hey Gojo, you feeling ok? I ask 

He groans rubbing his head. "I'm good thanks for helping me back to the dorms"

"You're welcome, you were a handful though"

"I'm not even going to ask how you managed to get me up here"

"Yeah don't you owe me it was a pain in the ass" I give a playful Glare

"I will make it up to you, I promise."

"Good, now train you Lightweight."

Geto and Nanami come walking in, Geto gives me a smile and I return a smile back

Behind them Akuji enters, I feel my body tensing feeling nervous but I see Gojo giving me a reassuring smile making me feel more at ease.

"Today we are going to be doing some one on one combat. I will be pairing you with your opponents, I will also be giving you a weapon." Yaga announces to everyone

"A cursed weapon?" Gojo asks, probably never really using one as he doesn't need to because of his technique 

"Yes, it will give you more options in battle"

Yaga pairs up the teams and gives the weapons, we all stand ready in front of the mirrors.

I am paired with Akuji and get a staff. Great the one person I don't want to see i have to train with.

I take a deep breath and steady myself, we look at each other and the training starts.

I swing the staff towards him, he blocks and we start clashing weapons.

I get pushed back a little bit but I keep my stance and try and block his attacks.

"Where did you go with Gojo last night" He says unamused i went out with another guy, even though we are broken up acting like its his business.

"None of your business" I say as we keep clashing, him getting the upper hand pushing me backwards

"It is my business, are you sleeping with him?"

I feel a rage build up inside of me, I swing the staff towards him harder than before

"Akuji stay out of my business, No I am not sleeping with him though I have only known him a week" I glare at him

"He has a reputation"

"Yeah I've heard that." Yeah I heard he is a bit of a playboy in some sense but it goes with that cocky personality of his and his good looks.

I manage to get the upper hand and get a strike on him, but he quickly recovers and swings his sword towards me, I try and dodge but he is faster and he gets a strike on me

"Why cant you just leave me alone and get the hint i hate you"

"because you are mine." He says with a serious tone

I scoff at him, not believing what he is saying "you think I'm yours? That's hilarious."

I feel the rage build up and I push forward trying to get another hit on him but in the end I am struggling against him as he is stronger physically than me.

He pushes his body against me and looks me in the eyes "you are mine, you belong to me."

"No I'm not, get off me." I seethe 

I push him away and go to hit him again, but he grabs my arm and pulls me against him.

"What are you doing we are training" i ask him glaring at his silver eyes.

"This is more fun" he leans in closer "plus no one will care. If we were to have a little fun, right now" he whispers.

I feel a chill go down my spine.

"No. Get off me. I told you I'm done, stop playing these games" I look at him with anger

He pushes me against the mirror pinning my arms down.

"Akuji get off of her" Gojo comes over noticing the commotion

"Gojo, stay out of it" Akuji Loosens his grip on me to focus on Gojo

I see Gojo grab Akuji's shoulder, Geto pulling me towards him as Yaga comes over anger on his face.

"what is going on here." He says with authority angry at the disruption to training.

"I was training with my partner and Gojo was being nosy and interfered" Akuji says the anger in his face gone.

"No i saw him forcing her against the wall, i told him to get off her" Gojo doesn't even look at Yaga keeping his firm grip on Akuji.

"Enough, training is over for today" Yaga dismisses us rubbing his head in frustration.

"Akuji, come see me in my office. Everyone else can go"

Yaga and Akuji head off together, leaving everyone standing in shock.

"Are you ok?" I look up and see Geto, worry all over his face.

"Yeah I'm fine" I smile struggling to keep the tears at bay.

"I'm sorry" Geto wraps his arms around me hugging me tight.

"It's not your fault" I say as I hug him back tightly.

"It's ok, it's going to be ok."

"We will always make sure someone is with you if you want" Gojo says next to me.

"We should get lunch and head to the dorms."

We all head off to the dining room and grab lunch, everyone chatting and laughing trying to get my mind off of the events that just happened.

The weeks go by, Luckily I'm never alone with Akuji, I get closer with everyone especially as someone is always with me.

My technique keeps improving and I'm able to Control my elements better.

We have all trained hard, and I have become closer with everyone, especially Gojo.

Its now the end of May and I am given a mission, I am called to Yaga's office.

"This is the mission you all will be taking, we have had a report that there is a Grade 1, Now you have been properly been tested and given special grade I want to see how you do alone on your first alone mission with grade 1"

"Wait, what! I'm not ready" I look at Yaga in shock.

"We have been training for 2 months, You're ready."

I stare in shock not wanting to believe that its time for my first mission alone.

I nod knowing I need to be more confident by myself now I am special grade, it doesn't even feel real that I am

"Good, this is the location. You are to exorcise the curse, if you find any more curses and they are grade 1 or below exorcise them, if it's a special grade report to me straight away"

I nod as I leave to get ready for my first special grade mission knowing this will be a great lesson in itself for my career as a jujutsu sorcerer.

Deception Sukuna x Oc x GojoWhere stories live. Discover now